Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Hamas and Isis- Who is worse?

A bizarre situation has developed in the Gaza strip as the Hamas is being threatened by an even crazier and fanatical group.
The Islamic Republic or Isis as it being called is trying to overthrow the Hamas in the strip.
The presents some intriguing possibilities for Israel.
Some things to consider.
Both the Hamas and Isis are sworn enemies of the Jewish state. Israel benefits from the mutual destruction of both the Hamas and Isis from each other.
Israel will need to control the strip at some point to bring lasting quiet to southern Israel.
Some have said that Israel should strengthen the Hamas somehow as Isis is the greater long term enemy.
This is impractical and wrong for a number of reasons.
Egypt will never agree to any overtures to the Hamas/ Moslem Brotherhood.
This cannot work and will not work.
In the short term the war between Isis and Hamas is in Israels best interest.
The weakening of Hamas is in Israels best interest in the short term.
The obliteration of the Hamas while Isis suffers great losses is ideal.
Complete chaos may bring missiles on Israel but this civil war in Gaza may save many Israeli soldiers lives in next war that will not happen.
The way needs to be found to supply Isis with small weapons that will be used against Hamas.
When Hamas collapses or is near collapse Egypt should come to the rescue of Gaza and kill all Isis supporters.
There may be some residents of the strip that are tired of both Isis and Hamas that should be sought and helped.
This is the opportunity to take back the strip after most combatants are dead and bring in a international body to govern the strip.
Should be interesting.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Its getting worse, don't kid yourself

Isil Isis or whatever it is called is winning its war and getting stronger.
It does not matter what President Obama says Daash is getting stronger and that is dangerous to the whole world.
As things seem to be going Irag Syria and Jordan are next on the hit list of Isis.
Not like Iraq the Jordanians seem to be ready to fight Isis in a serious way and they are preparing this fight now.
Israel is very concerned as to the advance of Isis and its threat to its eastern border.
Israel has a peace treaty with Jordan and its shared border is very quiet.
If Isis manages to take over Jordan then Israel security concerns become almost insurmountable.
The US and Israel itself will n ot let this happen and will certainly intervene before Jordans army crumbles.
It may not crumble at all, no one is really sure what is to happen.
Most experts think Isis can overrun Jordan if the US does not intervene.
There are likely sympathizers in Jordan that are waiting for the day that they can kill King Abdullah.
They will join in the fight when the time comes.
The very many Palestinians who have little rights in Jordan will wait for first opportunity to join Isis
The extreme poverty in Jordan is and will drive young people with no future to join Isis.
King Abdullah knows this and is trying to pretend that Jordan is unified in its fight against Isis, it is not.
Isis has suffered a few setbacks but in the big picture is emerging as the biggest threat to the world.
They speak of acquiring a nuclear weapon in the next year or so.
They say Pakistan will sell them one.
They might be thinking of getting one from North Korea as well.
They need a few more things to threaten the west or Israel with nuclear weapons.
They might be the means to launch those weapons or submarine technology.
Obama may be thinking that leaving the presidency cannot come to soon for this issue.
The free worlds armies need to come together and fight for western civilization.
There may be a plan right now to attack Isis and this may happen in the weeks and months ahead.
Hard to say. Israel is certainly working on contingency plans in this regard.
Israel is the one foe that Isis considers a real adversary.
It will not attack until conditions are right.
The job of the allies is to make sure these condition never materialize.

It is time to fight.
The worst is yet to come.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

There will not be a Palestinian state

It just will not happen.
Nobody really want's it and it would lead to war.
So why is everybody still talking about it?
They do not see another option and continue to beat a dead horse dead.
The Vatican lately has recognized a Palestinian State.
Its a little unclear where this state is or how one can recognize something that does not exist.
If the Vatican refers to the present autonomy in parts of the west bank as a state then Israel should recognize that as well.
The hard truth is that there never will be a Palestinian state no matter how much people talk about it.
The local Arabs or Palestinians as they are called never had a state and never will have one.
It just won't happen.
Lets move on with different solutions to really improve the lives of everybody involved.
Enough is really enough.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Political anarchy in Israel

The prime minister of Israel is about to form his new government of a very narrow majority of 61 vs 59.
The incredible difficulty of the clear leader of the country to form a government after his clear victory is ludicrous.
The very many opposite ways of looking at the world of so many parties is killing the democratic process in Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu is in trouble and may thinking in the back of his mind that he cannot continue as things are.
Hard to say what might happen.
Likely that his adversary Naftali Bennet will join his government at the last minute and give him his majority.
The prime minister has made some grave errors in his realtionship with a close ideological ally and paying the price now.
Bennet should be given the foreign mnister portfolio. Bibi should not make a big deal about this.
It will all probably be over tonight by midnight as Bibi will trudge in to the presidents house and announce he has done it.
How he continues and when will there be new elections is unclear.
It is likely that at some point Bibi will ask Labor to join government and that Labor will refuse in the beginning.
Bibibs job is to to easy but he seems to be screwing up now.
Unclear what is to happen now.
Hang on to your seats however

Monday, May 4, 2015

Attack in Texas

It does not matter where you are on the face of the earth.
If you upset Moslems they will try to kill you.
The Texas group trying to prove the boundaries of free speech had a contest depicting Mohamed.
They knew something would happen and it did.
It has become very apparent that there are some very crazy people living in the US that the authorities no nothing about.
These individuals can strike at any time and may use this latest incident to rally new recruits.
The relative quiet in the middle east is pointing to a massive offensive against Isis coming very soon.
The US, Britain and France are preparing special forces and high tech warfare to destroy Isis.
This war could start at any time.
When it does expect the real crazies to come out and attack Americans on American soil.
The FBI better get to work to find these guys before they find Americans.
The worst is yet to come.