Monday, December 26, 2016

The UN and Israel

A resolution has been passed that says Israel cannot stay in Judea and Samaria with the US abstaining.
So What?
The reality on the ground is simple and mathematical.
There are a almost a million Jews (that will happen in a few years)
Those people will not go away and there is no place from them to go.
That is just a pragmatic concept that just cant go away.
The ideological abyss between Israel and the so called Palestinians is insurmountable.
Israel will NEVER withdraw from the old city of Jerusalem and the Palestinians have never hinted at giving up on having Jerusalem as their capital.
This resolution will equate the smallest Jewish outpost with the western wall. The negotiation process has never been more dead.
So now what?
Israel will add parts of Judea and Samaria to Israel.
It will happen while while Donald Trump is president of the US.
Israel would do well to add at least 500,000 Jews to Judea and Samaria in the next four years.
A million Jews in those areas will convince most about the impossibility of a Palestinian state.
A new wave of violence may happen but it cannot change things on the ground.
There is no place for so many Jews to go.
This resolution is the last gasp of those delusional people who believe in a Palestinian state.
It will never happen.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

It's over

The charade has come to an end.
There will never be a Palestinian state in the same way as their was never a Palestinian people.
This bizarre national movement started by Yassar Arafat and others is dead and done.
It never realy existed except in the minds of people who could not come to terms with reality.
The stark reality of the return of the Jewish people to Israel is lost on many.
With Donald Trump assuming the presidency it is becoming clear though many refuse to admit that this crazy idea is dead.
So what happens now?
What should happen is the official abandonment of the "two state solution" by all involved.
Trump should offer full autonomy and lots of money to a group of pragmatic Palestinians who wish to better their lives.
Israeli citizenship should be offered on a limited basis to Arabs who truly wish to live at peace in Israel.
This should be a gradual process.
It won't be easy but it is the only way.
It will take years if not decades for this concept to sink in.
It needs to be started as soon as possible.
Schools in PA territory that do not incite to violence should be supported with the best teachers and best equipment.
The world needs to know that there never was or will be a Palestinian state between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean.
Continuing to push a concept that will never be is fruitless at best.
President Trump would do well to offer Arabs and Jews a better life with a real plan to live together in peace and prosperity.
Continuing to lie to the world about a Palestinian state that will never be is just stupid.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fasten your seatbelts

It's hard to say but it looks like Donald Trump is going to shock the world on Tuesday and become president.
The momentum is his and there is the feeling in the air that he is winning and will become commander and chief.
If so What will happen?
Expect a 10 -15% drop in world markets
Expect the dollar to fall compared to other currencies.
Expect The fed in December to raise interest rates.
Expect after a week or so that markets start recovering.
It's going to be a bizarre world as Trump takes the oath of office.
Many believe that if Clinton seems a bit ahead in the polls that really means Trump is surging.
Hard to say but hell will break loose whatever the outcome of this election.
If Hillary squeaks by Trump will accuse her of cheating.
If Trump wins it will shake the world up very much.
Hard to see the loser congratulating the winner as is the American custom.
The interim days until the oath of office will be filled with interrogation and innuendo.
It's not even clear that even if Clinton wins she will take the oath of office.
It is bizarre but that might be the situation.
Hang on to your hats ladies and gentleman.
The worst or best is yet to come.
President Trump
Sounds OK

Sunday, October 30, 2016

It's happening, its incredible!

There is a momentum swing and it spells trouble or even doom for Hillary Clinton.
If Donald Trump wins the election it will be the most shocking event in American Politics since the assassination of JFK.
Nothing less my friends.
The impact of an extreme right wing president in the white house will have immediate repercussions.
These will include an immediate 15-20% correction in the stock market.
An almost immediate interest hike by the fed of at least 1%.
Rioting in different parts of the US.
This will all happen before Mr. Trump takes the oath of office.
Afterwards things will get interesting indeed.
He will try to build a wall along the Mexican border and order the proper authorities to deport illegal aliens ASAP.
He will mostly try to deal with trade agreements to improve them as much as possible.
It might help if he has some wise advisers help him in his first few months.
It is likely that he will calm down his rhetoric in many areas.
He will be the first president that actually moves American embassy to Jerusalem.
How he will cancel Iranian deal no one really knows including himself.
It's going to be a lot of fun.
Stay Tuned!

Monday, September 26, 2016

The Debate, it's happening.

Donald Trump doe snot prepare for debates, he thinks he knows what he needs to say and refuses to prep.
Hillary has been preparing and preparing and needs to do well.
She must realize that Trump has the advantage and needs to very well in these debates.
She would do well if she attacked his ignorance on many foreign policy issues.
People like Trump but realize that his knowledge of foreign policy issues are limited.
This probably will not hinder him from making correct decisions in that regard as he will surround himself with experts.
He will set tone and they will provide details.
But she can try.
It's her best bet.
She needs to make him look dumb.
A tall task indeed.
Trump just needs to stay calm and continue to hammer away on issues raised up till now.
He would do well to ask Hillary how she is feeling as many worry about her health.
She is a weak candidate and will likely lose.
President Trump has a nice ring to it.
When in New York he can stay at his Hotel.
It's going to be a lot of fun.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Middle East, whats next?

As The Islamic state seems to be in decline the face of the new middle east is taking shape.
Saudia Arabia is now aligned with Israel in its fight with radical Islam.
The Palestinian issue whatever that means has become a non starter as few are discussing the problem.
Israel is dragging its feet in changing the discourse of the final status of Judea and Samaria.
Those with any common sense understand that Israel is not the problem but part of the solution.
Bold measures need to be taken by Israeli leaders.
Those measures are clear.
Annexation of parts of Judea and Samaria to Israel.
Those areas in Gush Eztion bloc and Maaaleh Adumim should become a legal part of Israel as the Golan heights were some thirty six years ago.
This should be done immediately.
Many of the Arabs in these areas will opt for citizenship or may wish to continue as permanent residents.
In any case they will benefit for improved health care and other social services.
The present situation of just waiting and waiting is ridiculous.
Benjamin Netanyahu is just sitting back and doing nothing
Sitting back and doing noting is not an option.
It never was.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Boycott Divest Sanctions.
It's the latest craze and its all the rage in some circles.
This veiled anti-Israel campaign is aimed at destroying Israel economically.
It will not work.
This boycott can do damage to people who work in Israeli factories which are often Arabs who find themselves unemployed.
The Israeli economy is too diverse to be seriously threatened by any boycott.
In fact in some circles the opposite is happening as Israeli products are being purchased to counter BDS actions.
Some numbers have been mentioned as to the extent of lost revenue but they are hard to verify as many products that are not sold in one place often find other markets.
The Israel economy is robust and BDS will not do it major harm.
Why then are so many fighting this movement?.
The answer lies in the true meaning of this movement and what it stands for.
It is the modern trendy age old anti-Jewish hatred rearing its ugly head.
it is no more than a new twist on the blood libel.
It is evil and must be eradicated.
It is not more complicated than that.
Did I say it would not work?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Israel and American elections

The rather bizarre election process in the US will have little to no effect on the peace process in the Middle East.
The simple reason is that there is no peace process and the two state solution is a non-starter.
(it always was but now all know this)
What Obama could not do in eight years no one else will do in four or eight.
It is possible that finally the American embassy will be officially moved to Jerusalem after so many presidents promised to do so and did not.
That will be symbolic but a step in the right direction.
If Trump or Cruz is elected the Iran deal may be jettisoned.
In which case some interesting things may happen.
Unclear what those might be at this time.
At this point it does not look like a Republican can make it to white house.
Hillary will be more of the same for the next four years of stagnation and the diminishing power of the US around the world.
The direct effect on Israel will be minimal.
One of the three people Clinton, Trump or Cruz will be president.
Hard to see any one of those as the leader of the free world.
Very hard to see indeed.
As the two state solution ceases to become the policy of any rational leader we may see some bold newer solutions to the regional issues at hand.
Hold onto your hats ladies and gentleman.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Annexation, the only solution

Israel is at a crossroads of sorts.
The two state solution clearly will never happen.
No other real solution is being put on the table and there seems to be a limbo of sorts.
Those in limbo are the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria who are not citizens of any real state.
Not clear what still needs to happen for another solution to be discussed.
The Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria are also in limbo and want at least some parts of the " West Bank" to be officially Israel.
The Israel prime minister is doing nothing in this regard and seems to be just waiting it out.
A leader needs to take action when action is needed and clearly the leadership of Israel is not ready to do this.
The latest terrorist war seems to be slowly grinding to a halt and now is the time to change things for everybody's betterment.
The annexation of area C would be a good start to all this.
Bibi may have to retire before this happens.
The time has come.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Two state solution is dead

It is time for a change.
The world has been fixated on a two state solution for a very long time.
It will never happen.
It is time to move on.
The lip service this idea continues to generate is pathetic and bizarre.
Even politicians who were in favor of such an arrangement have said it is a non-starter and will not be in foreseeable future.
Why do some continue to cling to this idea?
Because there is no other that has been put on table by the major players.
Paradoxically the Arabs of greater Israel are suffering the most from this idea as their corrupt leaders continue to play the game as if they really want a "peace deal".
The Israeli leadership needs to step up and begin implementing the only viable alternative to a dead and dangerous idea.
The C area where the majority of Israelis who live in Judea and Samaria live must be annexed.
This needs to happen ASAP.
The local Arabs who live there need to offered some kind of Israeli citizenship.
It is crazy to continue to do the same thing for so long with zero results.
The leader of the PLO will die soon as he is sick old and a heavy smoker.
When that happens all hell will break loose.
Israel needs a plan to immediately step in and annex a large part of west bank.
While this is happening the Gaza strip needs to be enlarged to accommodate the millions of Arabs living in squalor in the Gaza strip.
This extra space offered by the Egyptians of late will help solve the housing shortage of Arabs in Gaza and those who may move there from the west bank. Annexation and enlargement of the Gaza strip.
Lets do it!

Monday, March 7, 2016

It is doomed.

Barack Obama does not know when to give up.
It has been reported in the Wall street journal that he is planning yet another peace initiative before leaving office.
It is doomed as all others before it.
It is doomed for so many reasons that it boggles the mind that it will be attempted.
It will be consisted of creating a Palestinian state next to Israel in the West bank of the Jordan.
did I say it was doomed?
It will require Israel to publicly acknowledge that East Jerusalem will be the capital of the Palestinian state and on the Arab side stop demanding the law of return for refugees created after the creation of Israel.
The chances of either side complying to these conditions is zero.
It can't happen and it won't.
It is a complete non-starter that will not advance further than the paper that it will be written on.
What it might do is mess up Hillary Clinton's chances of being elected President of the United States.
The last thing she needs is a confrontation during the election period concerning Israel.
Obamas plan to try to push Israel to do something it cannot or will not do will strengthen the Republican party and its nominee for the presidency.
This plan may propel Donald Trump to the oval office something that Obama does not want.
The Israeli prime minister would do well by firmly stating that any pressure that came to bear on Israel on Jerusalem will be met by annexation of parts of Judea and Samara.
Bibi probably will wait for the Arab side to completely turn down plan so he does not have to clash with Obama.
Obama should improve his golf game and stop wasting time on time consuming Alice in wonderland plans.
It is doomed.