Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The peace process

George Mitchell is mad at Bibi

Isn’t that upsetting that George Mitchell is refusing to meet the Israeli prime minister. Most Israelis are laughing and not upset at all. That’s what the Israeli press has reported. The reason for the cancellation of the meeting is Netanyahu’s refusal to agree to a complete freeze on settlement activity. Mitchell and the Obama administration are living in a bit of a dream world. There are additions to houses going on all over Judea and Samaria in almost every town. Bibi has gone against all of his campaign promises and agreed to a Palestinian State. He has even agreed to completely cease new building or new settlements. What exactly do they want?

Mr Mitchell is acting like a schoolboy that is mad when everyone doesn’t do exactly what they want. Israel sadly seems to be doing almost everything the United States says and that still is not good enough. What Mitchell maybe does not understand is that Israel is a democracy and has some independence to do things its own way.

The entire process is a lesson in futility as very few Arabs will accept Israel’s conditions for their state and it’s hard to imagine any solution to the status of Jerusalem and refugees.

George would be better off fishing.

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