Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mideast peace- the prospects

Mideast peace talks have started again in Washington
Great news?
The exact opposite is true
As expectations are high for these talks at least in some circles, when they self destruct as all others have expect trouble.
When this happens a major " intefada " or Arab grassroots wide demonstartion will follow.
This all may have a silver lining as this will most probably be the last attempt at negotiations for a two state solution.
This is why
For any deal to be signed there will have to be a referendum that will ask Israeli citizens to ratify a deal that would make at least 500,000 Jews leave their homes
This can never happen
The Arab side demands East Jerusalem as its capital
No Israeli government will cede East Jerusalem to the Arab side
The talks will implode
The question is then what? The Jewish state will need to muster a emergency Aliya program bringing one million Jews to Judea and Samaria in the next five years
There will need to be a law enacted giving the vote to Israelis living abroad
Then gradually the vote will be given to Arab residents of Judea nd Samaria not invloved in terror. We are comimg closer to the end of delusions and the beginning of reality.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Peace talks that are going nowwhere

What’s the point? Talks are to start on Tuesday, Hurray!
What are the Vegas odds that these talks after so many others will go anywhere.
I would give it 1000 to 1.
That these talks will lead to a final status agreement and the end of the conflict?
1,000,000 to 1
This is all about a United States promise of attacking Iran in the next year if Bibi plays ball now.
That will explain why he will agree to let out convicted terrorists
A current poll says that more than 80% of Israelis are against letting go of convicted terrorists
Its clear that there must be a unwritten promise of a immenent attack by the US on Iran
It will happen in the next six months
As far as the talks are concerned
Noone really thinks they will go anywhere.
There cannot be a two state solution anymore.
To many Jews live in Judea and Samaria.
Sometimes stupid ideas die hard

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Wacko Middle East

What’s the point? Peace talks are set to resume soon according to US secretary of state John Kerry. Some say that this is a miraculous turn of events and mostly unexpected.
To be completely truthful there is little point to these talks.
All sides understand that there is no REAL chance of reaching any agreement
The Arab side wishes complete control and removal of approximately 700,000 Jews who are living in pre 1967 borders. This is impossible, simply impossible.
So they talk, so what? The Arab side needs money from the US to survive and has agreed to the charade to continue to exist.
The Israeli side has gotten a promise or even a date of a US preemptive strike on Iran in exchange to restart talks and free Arab convicted terrorists.
The theater of the absurd.
The Middle East.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Kerry, stop wasting everyones time!

Wasting American taxpayers money is noththing to be proud of.
You are wasting that your time and ours
Stop! This problem is not solvable in the distant future
The local Arab populace who have decided in recen tyears to call themselves Palestinians will not budge or comprimise on the basci issues
Agreeing to thier demands would necessate at removal of 500,000 Israelis form their homes
It's not going to happen
With regard to Europe I would say no one should be surprised.
Hatred of Jew has morphed to hatred of settlers
They look more Jewish anyway
The hiypocrosy has reached new levels but no one should be surprised
Soon " settlers " will not be allowed into Europe

Monday, July 8, 2013

Egypt- Here we go

Looks like to the civil war is starting,
A massacre of close to fifty Morsi supporters is likely to the fuse that will ignite to all out civil war in Egypt.
The Moslem Brotherhood has asked on all egyptians to revolt against the army and the coup thathas taken place in the country
As the the supporters of Morsi seem to be a majority based on the last elections this call to arms is likely to spiral out of control with chaos in a already chaotic situation.
it is quite embarassing that the US seems to be funding a army that has just killed fifty protesters. Certainly tear gas or other non letahal methods could have been used.
Live fire into a crowd does not bode well for the deep crisis Egypt is in
Mubarek is having a laugh.
How do you say I told you so in Arabic?

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Democracy in Egypt

Pretty funny when a group of generals force a elected leader to relenquish power and some people hail that as democracy
The forner President of Egypt was all the wrong things a leader could be, A fanatical member of the Moslem brotherhood a staunch anti-semite and a long list of other bad things
He had one very important thing on his side. He was elected in an apparently free election
It is entirely possible that democracy is not a viable option in Egypt. There may be to much poverty and to little resources. If that is the case then they should let Mubaruk back. Its going to be fun.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The middle east- what a mess

Morsi is gone, what now?
The Moslem brotherhood will not take this lying down. They feel thay have been robbed of a legitimate elected leader ( not far from truth )
They are in shock now but expect complete chaos in the weeks and months to come
They will be rounded up and arrested but in nubers they are ( or were ) the majority in the country
creating a situation where they have no ability to effect change peacably is a dangerous move indeed.
They will feel that there is no real peaceful option left and revert to the default activity of Moselm extremists.
All this will be happening as Egypt becomes a country that will not be able to provide basic necessaties to its people.
The United States by law will have to cease all finanacial support for Egypt and many who were against Morsi say they do not want this aid
Without this aid Egypt will crumble which will make the extremists even more popular
This will cause either civil war or another overthrow of sorts. It is hard to see any real solution to what we are seeing
It will just get worse
At some Egypt will become completly disfunctional and when that happens it is unclear what will happen next
Mubarek was a tyrant but he knew what would happen if the Moslem Brotherhood came to power.
He was right

Monday, July 1, 2013

Egypt on the brink? Who is smiling?

Who is telling everyone " I told you so " The former president of course Hosni Mubarek. He has said for the longest time that the Muslim brothehood would bring disaster
He was right, big time! So sit Mubarek sit back and relax and have a cigar
You may make a comeback after all