Thursday, August 28, 2014

WW 3- Radical Islam

It is here, it is real, it is brutal.
Radical Islam with its varied branches is threatening the world.
Al Qieda, Boko Aram, Jihad islami, Hamas and more.
different names that mean the same thing.
Forcible conversion to Islam or painful death.
These groups are a mixture of a modern day crusade mixed in with extreme Fascism.
This is real and now.
The United States is extremely concerned that the seemingly craziest of the group ISIS is planning to attack the United States.
They will make Al Qida look like a boy scout chapter.
They are worried about Local supporters who will independently attempt mass terrorism.
How difficult would it be to smuggle explosives onto a train or bus or public sporting event.
These are acts waiting to happen and the FBI has little clue how to stop it.
It is very ironic indeed that Europe which has castigated Israel by and large in its fight with radical Islam now is faced with the same problem.
There will be terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States, it is just a matter of time.
Hold on to your hats ladies and gentleman...

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