Monday, November 17, 2014

Iran the bomb and all the rest

President Obama will soon be faced with a grim choice as Iranian nuclear talks predictibly have bogged down.
Using military force is the last thing he wants to do as he has committed to scaling down the use of the American military everywhere.
If he does not force Irans hand then Israel will be forced to do so.
Even the imminent threat of Israels military action complicates things while Obama attempts to strengthen his coalition against the Islamic state.
What makes matters even more Iran and the Islamic state are mortal enemies.
That would mean weakening Iran strengthens the Islamic state.
Obama understands that both are insane Islamic fundamentalists that would use the bomb on the US Israel and Europe.
While this is going on the Islamic State is still making headway and does not seem to be on the run due to American bombing raids.
The Islamic state wants very much that US troops engage them in the field of battle.
Everyone understands that US POWs would be publicly executed as the Islamic State has done to other Americans and British.
Obama also understands that without ground troops the Islamic State cannot be beaten but loathes as the thought of Americans being executed on Youtube video.
He will have little choice as US troops will need to be on the ground at some point.
He would rather be playing golf.
He may be unsure on what to do.
That is scary

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