Monday, February 16, 2015

The Arab world against Islam of Isis

The headline sounds crazy but it is the reality now in the Arab world.
Syria Jordan and Egypt are currently engaged in real combat with Isis.
They all speak Arabic and all follow one form or another of Islam but they kill each other none the same.
The corruption and backwardness of the Arab middle east has created the atmosphere that has bred the lawlessness of the Islamic state.
So many poor uneducated Arabs with no hope for any meaningful future have become galvanized by the glamour of Isis.
They have nothing to lose by joining Isis.
They are mired in never ending poverty that has practically enveloped their lives.
Isis gives them a purpose, a way out of poverty.
All the Arab money that has gone to line the pockets of despotic leaders and not gone to really improve the lives of millions is the main factor that the world is where it is today.
The Arab world itself created this phenomena and now is paying the price.
Its is incredibly ironic that all these armies were fighting Israel a few years ago and now they are fighting other Arabs.
The Pan Arab nationalism they fomented and created has come back to strike them.
They convinced themselves that the ultimate evil was the state of Israel.
As this was happening an entire generation of fed up youth looked to break out.
The similarities of the rise of Hitler in Europe is haunting.
Both Germany before the war and the arabs suffering from terrible poverty.
Both taking over land and being appeased.
Both killing perceived enemies but leaving the Jews as the ultimate enemy to be dealt with.
Both ruthless in its murder of its captives and both proclaiming that complete world domination will be its goal.
Both in the beginning of the war were led by weak leaders who sought appeasement but ultimately received all out war.
Egyptian citizerns has been attacked.
They have said retaliation is forthcoming.
The Egyptian army has not fought a ground war since 1973 against Israel.
They have some of the best equipment in the world but it is unclear if they really are a formidable fighting force.
Egypt could once again really become the leader of the Arab world if its president is bold and attacks Isis and prevails.
He needs to go into the areas of Isis in Libya and catch alive if possible those who participated in the latest massacre of Egyptians.
This probably will be coordinated with the allied assault on Isis that will start very soon.
Hold on to your hat.
This is starting to get out of hand.

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