Thursday, June 25, 2015

What's next in Arab Israeli conflict

One thing seems clear .
There will not be a Palestinian state west of the Jordan river.
In fact there may not be one on the east side for very long.
If Arabs who were born in mandatory Palestine call themselves Palestinian then there already exists a Palestinian state in Jordan.
That may be Isis next move.
In a bizarre twist Isis is a major threat to the Palestinian liberation movement
As ut believes only in itself and the Caliphate.
Smaller liberation movements are irrelevant to this group/
If They take over Gaza which they might some day they will add this to their Caliphate.
The " Palestinian cause " is complete hogwash to them as they are a pan Arabic Moslem movement that seeks to unite the entire world under Sharia law.
They are not interested in a two state solution.
In fact they are interested in a one state solution.
The Islamic State that is.
r The complete lunacy and no holds barred that many in the Arab have pushed has created the basis for the extreme of the extreme,Isis.
It is engulfing the Arab world.
It seeks of course to engulf the entire world.
Hamas in the Gaza strip is very nervous about these developments.
There is no Palestine, just ask Isis.

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