Monday, July 6, 2015

Greek Debt

You gotta love em those Greeks!
They borrow money and more money and ostensibly refuse to pay back.
So there you go.
They say give us more with no strings attached.
Well that's terrific.
Why would anyone do that?
They should go back to their old currency which is ostensibly worthless and see where it takes them.
Their will be soon mass food and medicine shortages that will debilitate the country. There may not be fuel for hospitals and airports. The Drachma will be worth what it sounds like, drek. (nothing).
The black market will flourish and the Euro will still be used as a trusted currency.
. Peoples saving will be converted to Drachmas and will quickly lose value.
It may spiral out of control for regular Greeks but may bring relief to everyone else.
The Greeks are in for a very big surprise.
It won't be pretty.

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