Monday, January 16, 2017

Annexation, the next step

The rumor says that President elect Trump will clear any doubt with regard to his promise to move the American embassy to Jerusalem.
He will clearly reiterate his campaign promise to do so ASAP.
There have been threats in this regard but probably nothing of substance will happen when embassy moves.
The Israeli government will likely start the necessary process of rolling annexation of parts of Judea and Samaria.
It will start with the largest settlements that will cease to be settlements.
That would be MAALE ADUMIM and the Eztion bloc.
There is a clear majority in the Knesset for these moves and massive building in these areas.
What will happen when both these events happen?
A practical outcome will be lowering the huge demand for housing in Israel.
The Palestinian Authority will likely disband and another pragmatic entity will run the de facto autonomy that exists now.
Arabs living in Areas designed to be annexed will be offered Israeli citizenship also on a rolling basis.
This was done to the Druse living in the Golan Heights about 36 years ago after the Golan was annexed.
It is not a perfect solution but if done slowly will be best going forward.
In ten years no one will talk about a Palestinian state as there will be another million Jews in the disputed areas.
They won't be disputed anymore like they are now.
This is not to say there will not be terrorism, that likely will never end completely.
Everyone is waiting for Donald Trump to make America great again and help Israel do what it needs to do.
Only a few more days...

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