Sunday, June 17, 2018

He knows what he doing

It's hard for many Trump haters to admit that he seems to know what he is doing.
He has revititlized the American economy lowering unemployment and send the stock market to new all time highs.
He has semingly done the impossible and brought North Korea to its senses by meeting with tis leader a few weeks ago.
He has cancelled the Iran nuclear deal which posed a great threat to the United States and its ally Israel.
He is successful . His opponenets are having diffifculty attacking him as they too feel that he is a man of his word and is likely to be reelected for a second term.
There has not been a reasonable candidate that the democrats have put forth that will challenge him.
With good reason.
They are afraid to lose their polotical shirts.
Rumors abound that Michelle Obama may give it a whirl.
That should be fun.
Did I mention he will likely win the Nobel Peace prize?

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