Monday, July 2, 2018

Chaos in Iran

What is to happen in Iran is very difficult to ascertain.
It is likely that the economy will collapse in the next few months as sanctions start to bite.
The question that remains is whether it will be enough to topple the government.
It does not seem likely that any economic collapse will lead to a new revolution.
All hope that the government will fall as the late Shaw fell.
Hard to see a coup that will oust the present leadership.
If that's the case Iran may continue to limp through will the nuclear deal with all other partners.
It is hard to see them upgrading their nuclear program and risking a military strike from the US.
They must believe that Trump will not hesitate to strike if there is a perceived threat to the US or Israel.
They are not sure what to do.
They will finally need to renegotiate the nuclear pact if they feel their rule is in danger.
It is hard seeing them crawling back to the table under almost any circumstances.
Hard to say what might happen now.
Lets wait and see.

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