Presidents Obamas special envoy has come to the Middle East to restart the peace process or so he says. Mr Mitchell continues to say that the United States supports the concept of a Palestinian state. The problem with all this is that a clear majority of Israelis are against this idea. That is why a right wing government was elected. A democratic country had democratic elections that voted in representatives that were clearly against a Palestinian state.
Mr. Mitchells boss President Obama was elected in a fair election and has decided to change policies of his predecessor. People may disagree with this change but no one disagrees with the right of the new President to do things his way. A new Israeli government certainly has that right. Someone should tell that to Mr. Mitchell.
The financial dependence that Israel has on the United States is at the core of the bizarre relationship between the two. Israel receives the biggest foreign aid of any country in the world. This aid has many strings attached that often limit markets for Israeli companies.
If this aid could be lessened or completely done away with there would be a much healthier relationship. The lessening of this aid should be a major objective of the Netanyahu government.
There will never be a Palestinian state on the west bank of the Jordan. That theoretical state would pose a threat to Israel’s existence and would predicate the forcible removal of 500,000 people. That is something that is clearly impossible. What we are witnessing is the continued attempt to find a solution to an unsolvable problem.
Mr. Mitchell will fail as so many of his predecessors failed.
Hey it gives him something to do.
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