Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Peace Process

Netanyahu Abas have warm conversation according to news reports

The president of the Palestinian authority has called the new prime minister of Israel to wish him a happy Passover. News reports were quoted as saying that the conversation was a warm one. It could have been warm if no political issues were discussed.

This very bizarre news item was intended to somehow give some hope to future negotiations between the sides.

My friendly readers and bloggers the truth needs to be said. There is no hope.

Let me tell you why.

1. Former prime minister Ehud Olmert party was ousted for among other things being to conciliatory. Mr Olmert tried his most to sign some sort of treaty with Mr. Abas while offering concessions no other prime minister could offer. Mr Netanyahu is very removed from the concessions of his predecessor. How then can an agreement be reached with a more right wing prime minister?

2. Mr Netanyahu has said on numerous occasions that he opposes a Palestinian state and will not uproot settlements. He in fact was against Israels withdrawal from the Gaza strip and northern Samaria. The Palestinians have said the only solution is a Palestinian state on every inch of land captured in the six-day war. The gaps between the two leaders are vast and not even close to being reconciliated.

As what I mentioned is not really a point of contention it is hard to say what the two leaders could have discussed that had any substance.

The future conversations should just stay away from substance and they will stay warm.

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