Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A tribute to my father
As he was orphaned at a young age this almost mythical place for me at least became a very difficult place to be for him and his siblings. Nonetheless it never lost its beauty and warmness and he never really left it though he last saw it about 70 years ago. This village like so many like it was destroyed by the ultimate evil of our times. But to my father and his contemporaries it was very much alive.
They would talk about who lived where and where they are today. How and if they survived the war and where they lived. Those who survived the war or left the shetetel before the war were scattered around the world and my father seemed to know them all. He was a living remnant of a time and place that is no more. He grew up in the atmosphere of the spread of Zionism among Jewish youth in eastern Europe. At the same time the Hassidic backdrop of the Shetetel and his own fathers fervent Hassidic customs had a profound effect on him. His love and longing to live in Israel were apparent very early in his life as he was jailed in Germany while trying to get to Palestine on a clandestine ship.
His survival instincts were very keen as he knew to leave the Shtetl before it was destroyed by the Nazis later on. He was always haunted by the fact he could not take any brother or sister with him as they may of survived with him. As it turned out one sister survived and one sister and two brothers were murdered. He was especially haunted by his sisters disappearance and her subsequent murder. No one till this day knows exactly what happened to her and how she died. This lack of knowledge always tormented him.
His love for Jews and their land were a pillar stone for me growing up. His worry about Jewish soldiers and Jewish children who were poor were extreme.
He was a great crier who could cry at the drop of a hat for things that were important. For his children and their Simchas and for things that reminded him of the warm parts of the Shtetl.
He suffered greatly in his life but never gave up his belief in the greatness and eternity of the Jewish people. He longed to see his parents that he lost at such a young age and he often spoke about what he would say when he met them.
His passing is the end of an era , the end of the surviving Shtetl Jew that picked himself out of the ashes and continued no matter what.
May his memory be a blessing to all he helped and loved.
His grieving son
דוד מרדכי
Monday, December 21, 2009
What is Bibi doing?
Benjamin Netanyahu has gone against campaign promises and announced about two months ago his agreement on a two state solution. He has now upped the ante and announced a temporary freeze of settlement activity for ten months. This ploy which nobody really likes except maybe for Obama and Hillary Clinton is bizarre at best.
The right wing Israelis don’t like this freeze for obvious reasons as it is completely against their political goals and beliefs. The Palestinian authority does not like it as they say continued building in east Jerusalem ( which allegedly Is not included in the freeze ) makes any other freeze meaningless. This freeze will not bring them back to the negotiating table. The minority left wing in Israel says that a temporary freeze of ten months is ridiculous and that the promise of continued settlement expansion after that makes a temporary freeze pointless. The Arab workers who are the laborers of new housing in Judea and Samaria will be left with little work and hungry children.
No one seems to make sense out of this new twist in the land grab fight of the West Bank or Judea and Samaria. I will try nonetheless.
This is what Obama must of said to Netanyau.
“I will not attack Iran if you give me nothing to help start negotiations “
“I will make sure Israel will not receive military aid or an US okay to attack Iran itself “
Netanyahu then went back to his government and said the following .
“the Palestinians will not come back to the negotiating table anyway and I want to put them on the defensive and not Israel. There is mass building going on everywhere in Judea and Samaria ( public building and projects already started ). This freeze is a public relations ploy, it will have minimal real effect. I need to get Obama off my back, this will do the trick.
So his ministers agreed and the Freeze started.
The bottom line remains that negotiations have not started because of this freeze and will not.
The Palestinians do not agree to differentiate the west bank from Jerusalem as Israel does.
The dead end remains freeze or no freeze.
The right wing voter still feels dumb though.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Peace Process
It is getting quite boring to read and listen to Mitchell once again trying to talk to all sides and for the millionth time attempt to restart peace negotiations. Someone should tell him its just not working. We are told peace was achieved in northern Ireland and in every other hot spot in the world ( lately turkey and Armenia ) it will be achieved in the middle east as well. It is just time and perseverance.
The stark truth needs to be said. There is no chance for real progress in peace negotiations any time soon for the following reasons.
1. The Palestinian Arab side is completely divided making any agreement not binding on all
2. The core issues of Jerusalem and refugees seems as unsolvable as ever
3. The Palestinain Arab side refuses to recognize Israel
There are other reasons of course but these suffice for making Mitchells visits here pointless. The American taxpayer is paying for pointless fruitless meetings that continue to go nowhere.
Even Mitchell should be bored already.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The uneven distribution of collective Jewish Responsibility
The most harrowing tragedy has struck at the most well known and visible of Israeli families in the world. When the spaceship Columbia exploded and all crew members were killed the world was in shock. The Israeli public was in even greater shock as Ilan Ramon the first Israeli astronaut was on that ill fated flight. His Jewish pride and sensitivity to Jewish customs were a very touching part of his stay in space. He literally mesmerized the Israeli public with his incredible personality. His death left many Jews completely heartbroken including the writer of these lines.
Very few people knew that his son Asaf had embarked on a military career very similar to his father. He had become a fighter pilot like his father and apparently a very good one at that. The IDF demands that anyone who has lost a sibling or father needs special permission to serve in a combat unit. Tragedy striking twice is almost too difficult to bear. Asaf apparently received that permission from his mother; he probably pressured her to give it. When he was killed in a training accident it brought back old memories to very many.
Families like the Ramons will continue to bear the burden of defending Israel. Those who shirk that responsibility should be feeling very small around now.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Jewish national day of mourning, 9th of AV
The saddest day in the Jewish calendar is the 9th day of Av. This day has so many tragedies connected with it that there is really no serious hardship for a Jew to fast. Thinking about all the suffering that is connected to this day makes one lose his appetite.
Some of the events that happened around this time. Both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed. A massive public burning of Jewish texts happened in Paris circa 1292 and the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492. There are so many more events that did not specifically happen around this time but still are commentated on this all encompassing day of sadness.
What practicing Jews do on such a day is refrain from any food or water for about 25 hours, No washing is allowed and even wearing of leather shoes is not permitted. That is an additional hardship that is to remind someone of the sadness of the day. They sit for hours reading Lamentations on how bad it was from the ancient tragedies to the modern ones and everything in between. This sad dirge like reading recalls specific events that speak volumes on why Jews and Judaism still exist today. One Story that seams to define Jewish Martyrdom is the story of Rabbi Akivah. This fervent Jewish nationalist symbolized for all Jews who came after him what martyrdom meant. His complete faith and piety even in the throngs of excruciating torture inspired all those after him. He was executed proclaiming his faith in Judiasm buy uttering the Shema prayer that is to be on the lips of every Dying Jew.
Many Jews before and after R’Akivah vexed their tormentors with this faith clinging to their Judaism no matter what the cost.
For those who want to understand the resilience of the Jews this day speaks volumes.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Peace Process
In the latest spat between Presiden Obama and the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu Jerusalem has become the point of contention. Netanyahu says that building and buying houses in Jerusalem will continue as Jerusalem is under the jurisdiction of the Jewish state and will continue to be so. Obama thinks differently and looks at east Jerusalem as he looks at west bank settlements. Obama wants the building to stop and Bibi refuses. Now what?
Even before negotiations have started on a permanent status solution there is a cardinal disagreement on a core issue. That is Jerusalem. Neither side is willing to budge one inch on this issue. How then can there be negotiation on something no one wants to negotiate on? No one is sure but all sides want to continue the peace process. That process is at a dead end and has been for some time. This reality doesn’t seem to bother the parties involved as they continue to talk meet and haggle.
The stark truth is that there is no real solution to this problem and there never really was. The Jews are not wanted in their historical homeland and that’s it. Everything else is meaningless time wasting hogwash.
Well at least there is a peace process.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Amnesty international helping Hamas
In the newest report of Amnesty Israel is accused of deliberately targeting civilians and causing the death of nearly four hundred noncombatants. Hamas is accused of firing rockets into Israel that cause wide spread havoc this was also labeled a war crime.
Hamas strategy has been for a long time to use the very dense population centers of the Gaza strip as human shields for its members. This strategy was designed to hamper or completely eliminate Israel’s ability to target its members. Amnesty has become another weapon in the arsenal of hamass psychological warfare. Israel will still need to target terrorists who are hiding behind civilians as these terrorists put in danger its soldiers and civilians. The concern for the Israeli military establishment is the hesitation that may be over emphasized when seeing civilians near terrorist targets. This hesitation may ultimately cost Israeli lives. It is mostly incorrect to say that these reports have no effect on the Israeli military, Their effect is the slow erosion of the ability of the IDF to properly target its enemies. The Hamas has once again scored points by sacrificing its own women and children in a virtual public opinion battle with Israel. In the next conflict which will surly come sooner or later the Hamas will once again resort to tactics that seem to win it points in the eyes of the world. They will shoot from schools and hospitals from homes and places of worship. The Israeli army will react as any responsible army would and by doing so noncombatants will be killed. Then Amnesty will come out with another mostly anti-Israel report.
In one main area the Hamas has it wrong. The ultimate resolve for Israel may be undermined somewhat but there will be enough left to continue to defend itself.
Israel won’t just go away.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The King of Pop was not such a nice man
Many seem to be very upset at the sudden death of Jackson who was addicted to pain killers and was taking an assortment of drugs. His very bizarre personnel life which almost landed him in jail on allegations of sexual child abuse are a very good reason not to mourn this weirdo. Though he was obviously a very talented musician he had a profound negative influence on hundreds of millions of people who emulated his every move. When it became clear that he had started losing his sanity many started distancing themselves. His constant plastic surgery procedures and later his possible criminal activity made people think that they had a freak on their hands. He may have brought some happiness to some thru his music but that was overshadowed by his bizarre and unethical behavior.
The world was not very sad when Mother Teresa or Jonah salk died and there will be a bare whimper when Steven Hawkins goes. Michael Jackson was not someone to be mourned, he added very little to the good of the world. The hysteria surrounding his death is a sad commentary on the values of those glorifying Mr. Jackson.
The fact that he was so addicted to pain killers and led a life of decadence seems to be lost on some. Not on all.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Israels anti-Israel former chief justice
Famed jurist and former chief justice of the Israeli supreme court has said some eye opening things at a lecture in Tel-Aviv. Aharon Barak who retired from the bench a few years ago tells us a little bit about his politics and world philosophy.
The most startling thing that he mentions is his full support for the concept of a country of all its citizens. This means simply that for all intensive purposes he wants to do away mostly with the concept of a Jewish state (he says he still supports the law of return) and have a state that defines itself by its citizens and not by its Jewish character. This very extreme view was made famous by a former Knesset member who has run away from Israel for fear of prosecution for treason. His name is Azmi Bashara and he lives in Damascus while still receiving a pension from the Knesset ( that’s the Israeli parliament ). This view is particularly disturbing when one considers that this man was supposed to be neutral and fair while sitting at the highest point of the Israeli judicial system. As many suspected his extreme left leaning politics manifested itself in his many legal decisions that are still shaping the Israeli judicial system. There is no man who had more clout and leverage on Israeli life than Mr. Barak had in the last 20 years as many decisions of the Israeli parliament were struck down by this man. Adding to all this is the latest demand of the Israeli prime minister that Arab countries and especially the Palestinian authority recognize Israel as a Jewish state. They could rightfully claim that the former Supreme Court head thinks that the country should have a very limited Jewish character we will not disagree with him.
Those who opposed Mr. Barak over the years are not completely surprised at these statements. Many fear that his successor and others on the high court bench have similar political leanings.
This is one of Israel’s main problems.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The peace process
Isn’t that upsetting that George Mitchell is refusing to meet the Israeli prime minister. Most Israelis are laughing and not upset at all. That’s what the Israeli press has reported. The reason for the cancellation of the meeting is Netanyahu’s refusal to agree to a complete freeze on settlement activity. Mitchell and the Obama administration are living in a bit of a dream world. There are additions to houses going on all over Judea and Samaria in almost every town. Bibi has gone against all of his campaign promises and agreed to a Palestinian State. He has even agreed to completely cease new building or new settlements. What exactly do they want?
Mr Mitchell is acting like a schoolboy that is mad when everyone doesn’t do exactly what they want. Israel sadly seems to be doing almost everything the United States says and that still is not good enough. What Mitchell maybe does not understand is that Israel is a democracy and has some independence to do things its own way.
The entire process is a lesson in futility as very few Arabs will accept Israel’s conditions for their state and it’s hard to imagine any solution to the status of Jerusalem and refugees.
George would be better off fishing.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The drum roll of war in the Korean Pennisula
Someone once said that if you want peace prepare for war and if you want war talk a lot about peace. President Barack Obama has tried to appease and start dialogue with the perceived enemies of the United States. He doesn’t seem to doing that well. The Korean peninsula is a heart beat away from major configuration all this under the new watch of Obama. Its hard to say how George Bush would have handled this crisis but John Macain has said that the President is not handling the situation correctly. That might be an understatement. Many guessed that Obama would be tested very early in his presidency and they were right. The dictatorship in North Korea understands Obamas inexperience and hesitancy to act forceful. They are taking advantage of all this and are severely testing the resolve of the US and the west. A cargo ship that reportedly is delivering illegal arms has left North Korea and the United States is afraid to board the ship. Simply scared. The North has threatened to start a war and many believe that those threats are not empty. In essence the war between the North and South never stopped. But effectively there has been a tense truce. There is a real danger now because of Obamas bumbling of real war happening again. The nuclear threat now has made things all that more complicated. What needs to be done now Obama apparently does not know. Time will tell if this war is inevitable. South Korea has two major war drills a year. War may be around the corner. Iran hopes so at least.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Israel, Under pressure again
Barack Obama is trying to link territorial compromise to action against Iran. That’s what Obama is more than hinting to Benjamin Netanyahu and the State of Israel. This bizarre linkage says in simple terms that the United States will not act by force if necessary if Israel does not do what the United States wants. This linkage has clear logical flaws as no one can really see any real progress on a peace solution between Israel and those that seek Palestinian statehood. It’s not something that can happen in the next few years or decades. The problem will not dissolve if Israel decides to pull down some settlements that might make the problem worse. ( remember the Gaza Pullback ).
On the other hand Iranian nuclear capabilities are increasing slowly but surely and it will shortly become a nuclear threat that Israel cannot live with. It is a immediate threat whereas the conflict of Israel and the so called Palestinians is old and as said a solution is far away. The linking of the two is foolish and dangerous.
It is quite clear that Israel is preparing its worst case scenario possibility, striking Iran’s nuclear facilities. It is the last thing it wants to do but will be forced to act alone if Washington does not force Iran to give up on its nuclear capabilities.
Obama looks like the wrong man at the wrong time.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Embattled Israeli Prime Minister to cave in
Someone once said that the most difficult job in the world is to be the Prime minister of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is feeling this difficulty right now as almost unprecedented pressure is being put on Israel to do things against its best interests. Barack Obama is determined to solve this most difficult of conflicts no matter what the obstacles are. He is pressuring Israel to do what it simply cannot do. It cannot choke its own population by denying housing to ever expanding populations in Judea and Samaria and accepting a Palestinian state on its border.
Let’s examine what would happen if Israel acquiesced to these demands. The first demand would be impossible to implement as housing permits have been granted and money paid for hew housing. The housing shortage is acute in Judea and Samaria and completely stopping construction is a pointless impossibility. That’s not even mentioning that the livelihood of thousands of local Arabs depends on this so called “ illegal construction “. This demand reaches absurd levels as massive construction continues in a Jerusalem suburb called “ Har Choma “ . This neighborhood is legally a part of Jerusalem on the “ good side “of the green line. It is not under military rule and is as much a part of Israel as Tel-Aviv. Nonetheless the building there is considered settlement expansion. The two sides do not even agree what constitutes settlement expansion. Even if Israel agreed to completely halt settlement expansion work would continue at “ Har Choma “ That would be seen by the other side as a violation of the agreement.
As far as a Palestinian State is concerned the wording is probably less important than the essence. Netanyahu will only agree to high authority autonomy in Judea and Samaria. He cannot and will not agree to anything more. That would mean no real army or free air space for this autonomous entity. The Arab side will never agree to these conditions or that Israeli settlements remain inside its autonomous areas. Dismantling of these settlements is logistically impossible and will not happen.
Those two issues I mentioned are considered the easier issues on the table and clearly are unsolvable. The more difficult issues of Jerusalem and refugees are just completely stymied that all involved refuse to talk about them.
Obama should use his time doing other things.
He will not solve the problem. He may be adding to it
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hail to the chump
President Barak Obamas keynote speech in Cairo last week has been dissected from all sides by very many people. Some things most agree on. That his rhetorical abilities are considerable and that he is a bit naive.
There seemed to be a clear slight by the Egyptian President who did not bother meeting Obama at the airport and did not sit in on his speech. Hosni Mubarek clearly feels that he is dealing with a amateur as leader of the free world and the snubs seem to reflect that. He is being severely tested by the North Koreans as his economic recovery plan seems to be teetering. He firmly believes that peace is possible everywhere even in the troubled middle east. He really believes that if Israel stops settlement activity or even removes settlements a Israeli state and a Palestinian State can live side by side. He really believes the new government of Benjamin Netanyahu will implement policy that is in direct contradiction to its party platform.
This is all a lot of hogwash of course as the chances for true peace are many years away. The Palestinian state that Obama wants so much is the worst thing that can happen to Jews and Arabs alike. It will bring misery and poverty to the Arabs and a security disaster to Israel.
The Israeli Prime Minister is to be giving a major Foreign policy speech next week to make clear Israel’s foreign Policy.
Hey at least the speech writers are making a living.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Obama says no and Bebe says yes, What now?
Now what?
The United States can now threaten Israel with economic sanctions and even an arms embargo. The Washington post was reported as saying that Israel would not receive loan guarantees it needs to procure foreign investment. Nothing yet has been said about the 10 billion Dollars that Israel receives every year. It is clear that Obama means business when he is trying to make the Israeli Prime minister Do things that will surely bring down his government. Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of Israelis are against a two state solution and return to pre 67 borders. Their may be a silver lining in Obamas threats and that would be the cutting of the financial umbilical cord between the US and Israel. Netanyahu in his first tenure mentioned as much that Israel would like to stop receiving aid from the US. The time has come for the Jewish state to stand on its own two feet. A little financial isolationist from the US would go a long way in helping the crippled American economy.
All that being said it is unlikely that all aid will abruptly be stopped. Many American firms depend on Israel using its aid money to but products in the US. The ultimate weapons embargo is something that Obama will probably not use. If the relationship between Israel and the US gets that bad then it will truly be an entire different ballgame.
Other Presidents have tried to bully Israeli Prime ministers into doing and saying different things. Some with some marginal success. It is hard to see President Obama forcing the Israeli Prime minister into concessions that will lead to any progress in peace negotiations. From Israel’s perspective any so called progress will endanger Israel existence. That Netanyahu will not agree to.
Obama is wasting his time and energy.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Looming crisis in the Korean Peninsula
North Korea continues to defy the world by detonating a rather large Nuclear device and continuing to test ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear payloads. Other than some harsh rhetoric by Western leaders it is mostly unclear what is to happen now. Many expected a severe foreign policy test for President Obama in his first year. It looks like the test has arrived.
Obama has a few options to choose from. One option could be to completely isolate the North with a complete embargo and possible confiscation of its assets outside of Korea. That option would probably cause massive starvation for millions in the North and not undermine the regime to much.
Another option is a full military blockade of the North by Nato forces. This option is also problematic as this blockade is a clear act of war that would give the north a excuse to start another Korean War. A last option of course is to do nothing at all with all of its repercussions.
Iran is looking very carefully as to how the West will react to this latest outrage by North Korea. It is hoping that there will be major saber rattling and very little in terms of substance. They see the confrontation between the west and North Korea as a test case for themselves. .
President Obama is unlikely to do anything that might antagonize the north and cause a rekindling of the Korean War. The nuclear capability of the North certainly limits what steps can be taken by the west. Iran is betting that little will be done to confront North Korea in this new cold war crisis. It expects the same will happen if they manage to attain nuclear capability. The policy of the United States is to stop Irans quest for a bomb at all cost. The way this crisis is managed will go long way in showing Iran what the west has in store for it.
Did I mention Israel in all this?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The endless loop of the Middle East peace process
A lot has been said and written on what would happen when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met President Barack Obama. Many predicted a serious diplomatic row others weren’t completely sure what to expect. But it turns out that the more things change the more they stay the same. The Arab Israeli conflict has perplexed so many for so long, easy solutions do not seem to be in the offing. President Obama may think that he will be able to easily solve this most impossible of problems. He is to introduce a new peace initiative on his upcoming trip to Cairo. This initiative will focus on Israel being fully recognized by moderate Arab countries even before Israel decides to go back to pre 1967 border lines. They will not do it. The President is wasting his time.
The so called Peace process is a non starter and doomed to failure. The funny part about this is that everyone really knows this and continues to play the game. It is completely inconceivable that any Prime Minister would ever agree to the minimalist demands on the Arab side. The peace process is a never ending loop of talks and wars.
The Arab side still has not recognized Israel’s right to exist. Israel is not going away and the hatred of Israel just seems to increase.
Its just the same old story.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Papal Visit to the Holy Land
Frankly its difficult to read the new head of the Catholic Church. For someone Jewish the son of a holocaust survivor its that much more difficult. The fact that the Pope is German and served in the German army during WWII just adds to the difficulty of dealing with the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. To many Jews nothing that he could say would be right. His predecessor Pius during the WW2 did nothing and said nothing as millions were being slaughtered. What words could make up for that?
Nonetheless there were some things that were said that should not have been said. Certainly not from a German visiting Israel. He said that the Palestinians deserve their own state next to Israel. The he prayed for their statehood and how bad the wall was that was being built.
What he has done and said are more harmful then most people think. Very many Catholics in the world today are in great fear of Islam. They support Israel and are much more sympathetic towards Israel that to the Arab world. The ones who are fervently Catholic take the Popes word as Gospel and will certainly support the Palestinian cause.
This undoubtedly will re stir Catholic Jewish rifts that seem to have dissipated as Islam has attacked both the western Catholic/ Christian world as well as the Jewish one.. This is something that no one really needs. Beside all this a German Pope after what happened in WW2 should not be telling Israel what she should be doing. The Jewish People certainly deserve the complete support from Europe especially Germany on whatever it does. If the Jewish state is paranoid over its security it is the Germans fault.
His trip here was a failure
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Israel’s new ambassador
It’s a bad move and a bad decision.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The World economic crisis and the looming pandemic.
All things being equal things in the world do not seem to be going well. Let me tell you why. There has been a Economic turndown not seen since the great depression around the world. No one is really sure when that will rectify itself. When things seem to be slightly improving the world has been gripped by possible pandemic. As these words are written no one really knows the scope of this new mutant virus but many are plenty scared. There are those who will try to find existential reasons for what is happening they will be mocked. Here could be some cause and effect reasons for the world’s woes and the acute crisis in Mexico. (That’s where the swine flu has originated), The additional earthquake tacked on to the rest of Mexico’s problems also has been devastating.
There are so many destitute people on the face of the earth, so many with no clean water who face misery and tyranny every day. Nobody seems to really care about those people and fixates itself almost completely on Israel and the Palestinian issue. The Mexicans as a part of the third world countries are also to blame for this. But they have there own issues.
They are one of the most prolific producers and exporters of drugs in world and share a great responsibility of the misery that drug trafficking brings. They also engage in the most horrific sport of bull fighting which is just plain torture of animals. Many thousands of people revel in this sport and enjoy watching the bull (and sometimes the matador )get killed.
It is not politically correct to equate world tragedy with moral issues but leaders of the world and leaders of Latin American countries would do well to make some changes.
Because you know what? You just never know
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Durban Circus
The Jews among us are not surprised by the hate rather a bit surprised as to how many countries openly showed their disdain for the Iranian leader. The gentiles who support the Jews were disturbed at the openness of Jew hatred long after the holocaust. The gentiles who hate the Jews are thrilled that Jew hatred has become mainstream once again. They are hoping that Iran will develop nuclear weapons to use against Israel.
Against this backdrop the Jewish State is training to strike Iran sometime in the not so distant future.
The circus will lead to apocalypse
Sunday, April 19, 2009
How many countries do the Arabs need anyway?
So are friends in Washington would have us cede the west bank to make room for a third state while we wait for demographics to make Israel the fourth state. This is of course complete lunacy and any responsible Israeli leader can never accept such a thing. There is ostensibly two peoples here in the middle east the Jewish People and the Arab People. The equation that takes 22 arab countries ( not final ) and tries to eliminate the only Jewish country will not work.
It is national Suicide to agree to a third Palestinian state and a 25th Arab State.
24 Arab states seem to be quite enough
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Mitchell Netanyahu and the 51st state

Presidents Obamas special envoy has come to the Middle East to restart the peace process or so he says. Mr Mitchell continues to say that the United States supports the concept of a Palestinian state. The problem with all this is that a clear majority of Israelis are against this idea. That is why a right wing government was elected. A democratic country had democratic elections that voted in representatives that were clearly against a Palestinian state.
Mr. Mitchells boss President Obama was elected in a fair election and has decided to change policies of his predecessor. People may disagree with this change but no one disagrees with the right of the new President to do things his way. A new Israeli government certainly has that right. Someone should tell that to Mr. Mitchell.
The financial dependence that Israel has on the United States is at the core of the bizarre relationship between the two. Israel receives the biggest foreign aid of any country in the world. This aid has many strings attached that often limit markets for Israeli companies.
If this aid could be lessened or completely done away with there would be a much healthier relationship. The lessening of this aid should be a major objective of the Netanyahu government.
There will never be a Palestinian state on the west bank of the Jordan. That theoretical state would pose a threat to Israel’s existence and would predicate the forcible removal of 500,000 people. That is something that is clearly impossible. What we are witnessing is the continued attempt to find a solution to an unsolvable problem.
Mr. Mitchell will fail as so many of his predecessors failed.
Hey it gives him something to do.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The Peace Process
The president of the Palestinian authority has called the new prime minister of Israel to wish him a happy Passover. News reports were quoted as saying that the conversation was a warm one. It could have been warm if no political issues were discussed.
This very bizarre news item was intended to somehow give some hope to future negotiations between the sides.
My friendly readers and bloggers the truth needs to be said. There is no hope.
Let me tell you why.
1. Former prime minister Ehud Olmert party was ousted for among other things being to conciliatory. Mr Olmert tried his most to sign some sort of treaty with Mr. Abas while offering concessions no other prime minister could offer. Mr Netanyahu is very removed from the concessions of his predecessor. How then can an agreement be reached with a more right wing prime minister?
2. Mr Netanyahu has said on numerous occasions that he opposes a Palestinian state and will not uproot settlements. He in fact was against Israels withdrawal from the Gaza strip and northern Samaria. The Palestinians have said the only solution is a Palestinian state on every inch of land captured in the six-day war. The gaps between the two leaders are vast and not even close to being reconciliated.
As what I mentioned is not really a point of contention it is hard to say what the two leaders could have discussed that had any substance.
The future conversations should just stay away from substance and they will stay warm.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Iran Israel and the Bomb
Under normal conditions all this would not of happened, but these are not normal conditions. By all estimates Israel is preparing for worst case scenario as far as Iran is concerned. The head of the Labor party who happens to be Israel’s defense minister is considered by some as the best candidate to plan the preemptive attack on Iran. This is the only real reason for this bizarre political marriage between the right and the left.
The decision by the Israeli government to attack Iran will be the most important decision Israel will make since the preemptive strike of the Israeli Army that started the six-day war. It may be even more important. Iran would take notice of this very clear political union that is based almost completely on the Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Israel is getting ready to strike as sanctions on Iran do not seem to be actually slowing down its nuclear program.
Iran should understand in no uncertain terms that the world or Israel will not let the Islamic republic go nuclear.
Whatever the repercussions and they may be considerable a nuclear weapon in the hands of a fundamentalist Moslem state is inconceivable.
It won’t happen.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Madoff and the Market
As the world was intrigued by Bernie Madoffs new living quarters in lower Manhattan the stock market continued on its mini rally of four days. It was a bit ironic that the day he was incarcerated the market went up. Bernie certainly had a hand in the market going down for a number of reasons. To begin with many peoples financial portfolios were devastated by Madoff making them sell of stock to cover pressing money needs. This of course pushed the market down further. But his was the least of Bernies contribution to the present crisis. Trust is everything in the stock market and in people who handle other peoples money. Bernie was the symbol of trust for so many and this mistrust and fear is keeping the market from rectifying itself. Bernie not only swindled his direct clients but his face is still instilling fear in future investors. The “ Madoff Element “ will continue to prey upon the future of the market until there is a fundamental change in the prime loan system that ignited the mess to begin with. There are great opportunities for many to recover losses suffered by the downturn of the market. In a bizarre way Bernie could probably help many of those he destroyed make their money back. He will not get that chance. A smart Judge would let Bernie use a computer as a day trader and give 95% of his earning back to his former clients.
It won’t happen.
To bad.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The President and the Prime Minister
The burning issues are almost unprecedented. The world financial crisis is at its worst since the great depression. A fanatical fundamentalist regime is developing weapons of mass destruction and threatening to destroy Israel and harm the West. It boggles the mind to think if Hitler had a Nuclear Bomb. Now there is a new Hitler that threatens the Jewish state and no one seems to be doing anything about it.
The United States has been at the forefront of efforts to isolate Iran with mixed results so far. Most think that military action is becoming more and more the only option. How will a young president with little or no experience in the international arena deal with his own Nuclear missile crisis? It seems he will be tested as Kennedy was.
This might be a typical conversation between The President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Israel
Netanyahu: Congratulations Mr. President , You are indeed an inspiration to many.
Obama: Thank You Mr. Prime Minister , I should also congratulate you on winning your election.
Netanyahu: yea well it wasn't exactly what I had in mind
Obama: yes I know
Netanyahu: You know as well as I do that this 2 state solution is pointless and ludicrous.
Obama: I know but will never admit saying that
Netanyahu: I have to pretend its an option as well, I think it's the worst possible scenario for all involved.
Obama: 100% of the third worls and 90% of the free world wants this 2 state madness, What can we do?
Netanyahu: its simple Mr. president, very simple. We set up a team to study the issue and come up with solutions. We continue the process and never reach a conclusion.
Obama: can this work? Are people so stupid?
Netanyahu: It has worked till now why should things change now
Obama: Please never tell anybody what I said about the 2 state solution.
Netanyahu: Don't worry Mr. President your secret is safe with me
Obama: What do we do about Iran?
Netanyahu: Simple, we nuke them.
Obama: laughing , that's crazy and you know it.
Netanyahu: okay then , just give us bunker penetrating bombs and we will do the Job.
Obama: ( four letter expletive ) I promised in my campaign to solve this problem diplomatically. I wish I was in Hawaii surfing.
Netanyahu: you don't know how to surf!
Obama: I could learn. IF you Israeli decide to beat the crap out of Iran then I will need to do something
Netanyahu: what would that be?
Obama: not sure. ( obama on his phone ) : Ram Emanuel get in here.
Ram Emanuel : Yes Mr. President
Obama : what do you think we should do with this Iran nuclear crisis?
Ram Emanuel : ( says something in Hebrew to Mr. Netanyahu ) TIKRA OTEM HAPARSEEM HAEYLO.
Obama: Woah, no Hebrew here, what the hell did you say anyway?
Emanuel: Nice tie Mr. Prime minister. Mr President we need to let the Israelis do the dirty work if necessary. We could try a blockade like Kennedy did in 63.
Obama: I am the president and I will decide! We will start a complete blockade of Iran and see if that works. If not then …
Netanyahu: We will attack Iran in 6 months if they do not halt their production of nuclear weapons. We heave no choice.
Obama: what will happen then?
Netahyahu: not sure, maybe third world war maybe nothing. Not sure
Obama: that's great, just terrific.
That might be a conversation that would take place. The free world seems a bit tired in dealing with a new tyrant and Iran is counting on this weakness. If Israel is cornered and forced to attack Iran alone this will be the most significant military operation since the End of the second World War. It is a scenario that few wish to see. It may be the only choice that remains if President Obama is hesitant. If he acts he will have passed his test of his young presidency and this may propel the economy to world to come out of its depression.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Israeli Elections
Many in the country were surprised and shocked when the leader of the kadimah party Zippi Livni was projected by exit polls to edge Likud head Benjamin Netanyahu in Knesset seats. After the initial shock wore off it became clear that Netanyahu would still become Prime minister. Why is that?
In Israel’s parliamentary system a 61 member majority is needed to initiate a new government. The right wing has 65 members in different parties making A left wing government an impossibility.
Wait it gets more complicated.
Netanyahu himself does not want a narrow right wing majority government. He very much prefers a much broader government that will include his rival Zippi Livni. That apparently will not happen. Livni who won edged Netanyahu by one seat will find it very difficult to take orders from him. In addition there seem to be real differences in foreign policy that cosmetic political wrangling will not fix. Bibi is against the 2 state solution and any Israel withdrawal from the Golan heights. These were basic parts of Livnis foreign policy agenda. It is hard to see how they could conduct foreign policy together.
Netanyahu also wanted the present Defense minister to stay on as Israel needed to get ready for a possible strike against Iran. That won’t be happening either. Some have suggested Ehud Barack the present Defense minister stay on against his parties wishes as a looming war with Iran seems more important than his own political party problems.
There are those in Kadimah who would like Livni to become the head of the opposition and wait for Netanyhus Government to fail causing new elections soon. That seems the likely scenario. If the Obama administration will push for Israeli concessions then there will be no movement from BibIs Government. Things will not be easy for the prime minister but then again they never are.
Bibi won’t like it but he may have no choice in the matter
Monday, February 9, 2009
Elections again in Israel
The upcoming Israeli elections are seen as critical to all participants and observers. The Jewish state seemingly at war since its inception now faces its greatest military threat of all. That would be a nuclear Iran. This scenario is completely unacceptable to Israel especially in light of the constant threats by Iran’s president. This is not the only problem Israel is facing. Some of Iran’s supporters namely the Hamas in the South and Hizbullah in the North are waiting for the day to restart wars that have been temporarily stopped.
The isolation that Israel has tried to avoid so desperately by taking at times extreme unilateral actions has backfired badly. Israel is as isolated as ever and is receiving a drubbing in very many circles around the world.
The truth is that very many Israelis seem very frustrated at the inability of their country to be “normal “. The constant conflict that is part of Israeli life does not seem to subside whether the left or right wing governments are in power. This frustration manifests itself in lower rates of army conscripts from more modern areas like Tel-Aviv or Haifa. The burden of army service has fallen on the more traditional ideological communities. Those communities were often mentioned in the casualty reports in the last war between Israel and the Hamas.
It does look like Benjamin Netanyahu will win the election. There are clear differences between him and his prime rival foreign minister Zippi Livni but those differences may mean little to the Arab side. They want a complete withdrawal of Israel forces to pre 1967 lines. Without any compromise at all. No Israeli leader will agree to such far reaching concessions. The outgoing prime minister tried valiantly to leave office with a peace treaty of sorts and was as concession oriented as possible. The Palestinians were not interested. It’s all or nothing from their perspective.
It will be fun anyway.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
War in the Gaza strip
Israel is about to initiate another severe military action against the Hamas in the Gaza strip. This cease fire did not last as long as even the pessimists thought it would. It has broken down with some deadly missiles barely missing a kindergarten and another rocket injuring three people. It’s unclear whether Olmert understands that the Army cannot leave territory that it captures in the strip. It needs simply to destroy the Hamas army and kill all its soldiers. Nothing less will do.
The Israeli military has seemed to make a major comeback after a particular bad showing in the second Lebanon war a number of years ago. Its showing in Israel’s offensive that ended with a unilateral cease fire was impressive. It will need to be in top form as there seems to be no real choice but the complete eradication of the Hamas. The Hamas has gained confidence in all the flack that Israel and its military have received from around the world. It believes Olmert and his government will not be capable in really pressing ahead. Olmert may completely surprise them and even himself as politically he has nothing to lose. His term as prime minister is about to end and he doesn’t want to be remembered as a loser.
If Israel does react hard and the military merry go round continues there will be elections during war time. That will be a first for Israel and may have practical results as many soldiers will not be able to vote. The soldiers generally vote more right wing.
We will all have to wait to see what happens.
It won’t be pretty
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I may be paranoid...
Some bizarre things seem to be happening to convince many that Antisemitism and hatred of Jews is still in full swing. The incredible response to Israel’s offensive in the Gaza strip has been venomous. Many European countries have called Israel’s actions war crimes and massive demonstrations have occurred almost in every European city. The hypocrisy of England seems limitless though both Skynews and the BBC refused to air pro Hamas propaganda. People seem to forget that England went halfway around the world to fight over a deserted island of the coast of Argentina. The Argentinians called them the Melvinas and the Argentineans called them Falklands. This bizarre war ended in many Argentinean dead and injured when Britain took the Island back by force. That was not aggression but Israel trying to defend itself from rocket attacks into its territory is terrorism. To top all this off a court Spain has indicted two Israeli officials involved in the killing of a terrorist in the Gaza strip 5 years ago. If that isn’t enough the Pope has reversed a previous Papal decision and brought a holocaust denier back from papal exile.
The world seems to be turning against the Jews again.
Hey there is nothing really new about that
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
President Obama
The first step made by a man on the moon, the defeat of the Nazi- Germany and the dropping of the first Atom bomb. The assassination of John Kennedy. The fall of the Soviet Union and of the Berlin wall
There was however an event that was very different from all those that transcends reason and time.
The modern rebirth of Israel is the most significant event
The historic return of the Jewish People to the land of Israel after nearly 2,000 years of wandering is the event thru which all other events are looked at.
This almost impossible sequence of events that led up to the election of a black president to lead the most powerful country in the world is truly remarkable. As remarkable as it is it must be seen in the shadow of the event that has defined modern times. The metaphysical event of the people of the book returning to land of their forefathers seems to be at the forefront of almost al issues of foreign policy. The new President may not fully understand how significant this event is but he will find out soon enough.
The Talmud states that any country or people that hamper the return of the Jewish people to th eland of their forefathers would be tantamount to trying to come between A Lion and Lioness when mating. The new president would be wise to study that Talmudic passage and help with this historic return. He certainly shall not try to hinder, that would be a grave mistake.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Whats next?
Then what?
It remains completely unclear to some what comes next.
Even if Israel manages to destroy the Hamas military infrastructure the question still remains what to do after the military operation ends. To gradually leave after its over will invite the slow but sure rearmament of the Hamas. Even if smuggling tunnels are destroyed there will be other ways the Hamas and Jihad will procure weapons. That will mean rocket attacks on Israel as before. If Israel decides to stay that will cause another nightmare. Dealing with 1.5 million inhabitants of the strip.
Some have come up with a new/ old solution.
Complete internal autonomy for Arabs living in the strip with Israel in charge of all border crossing. That would include control on sea and air along the Gazan coast. Israel would help the local economy by rebuilding the communities destroyed in the failed disengagement from the strip some three years ago. Israel would help rebuild the strip and launch a modern Marshall plan to help those displaced by the fighting. In addition Egypt would allocate some of its territory to ease the overcrowded conditions in the strip.
This plan has the following advantages.
1. Will make it very difficult if not impossible to turn the strip into the terrorist enclave that it was
2. Would ease the transition from war and complete anarchy to a rebuilding mode
3. Would supply Jobs to local residents in the rebuilding of roads and infrastructure
4. Would lessen the extreme overcrowding in the strip
This plan will have some difficulty in its execution.
1. many Arabs contrary to economic common sense will continue to call such an arrangement “ occupation “ and reject it outright
2. Many Israelis do not want to see Jewish communities again being rebuilt in the Gaza strip
3. Egypt does not want to make any real steps to help alleviate extreme over crowding.
The difficulties surrounding this plan are extensive but there seems to be no other real option