Sunday, June 28, 2009

The King of Pop was not such a nice man

Michael Jackson- the worst role model possible

Many seem to be very upset at the sudden death of Jackson who was addicted to pain killers and was taking an assortment of drugs. His very bizarre personnel life which almost landed him in jail on allegations of sexual child abuse are a very good reason not to mourn this weirdo. Though he was obviously a very talented musician he had a profound negative influence on hundreds of millions of people who emulated his every move. When it became clear that he had started losing his sanity many started distancing themselves. His constant plastic surgery procedures and later his possible criminal activity made people think that they had a freak on their hands. He may have brought some happiness to some thru his music but that was overshadowed by his bizarre and unethical behavior.

The world was not very sad when Mother Teresa or Jonah salk died and there will be a bare whimper when Steven Hawkins goes. Michael Jackson was not someone to be mourned, he added very little to the good of the world. The hysteria surrounding his death is a sad commentary on the values of those glorifying Mr. Jackson.

The fact that he was so addicted to pain killers and led a life of decadence seems to be lost on some. Not on all.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Israels anti-Israel former chief justice

Former Israeli chief Justice speaks his mind

Famed jurist and former chief justice of the Israeli supreme court has said some eye opening things at a lecture in Tel-Aviv. Aharon Barak who retired from the bench a few years ago tells us a little bit about his politics and world philosophy.

The most startling thing that he mentions is his full support for the concept of a country of all its citizens. This means simply that for all intensive purposes he wants to do away mostly with the concept of a Jewish state (he says he still supports the law of return) and have a state that defines itself by its citizens and not by its Jewish character. This very extreme view was made famous by a former Knesset member who has run away from Israel for fear of prosecution for treason. His name is Azmi Bashara and he lives in Damascus while still receiving a pension from the Knesset ( that’s the Israeli parliament ). This view is particularly disturbing when one considers that this man was supposed to be neutral and fair while sitting at the highest point of the Israeli judicial system. As many suspected his extreme left leaning politics manifested itself in his many legal decisions that are still shaping the Israeli judicial system. There is no man who had more clout and leverage on Israeli life than Mr. Barak had in the last 20 years as many decisions of the Israeli parliament were struck down by this man. Adding to all this is the latest demand of the Israeli prime minister that Arab countries and especially the Palestinian authority recognize Israel as a Jewish state. They could rightfully claim that the former Supreme Court head thinks that the country should have a very limited Jewish character we will not disagree with him.

Those who opposed Mr. Barak over the years are not completely surprised at these statements. Many fear that his successor and others on the high court bench have similar political leanings.

This is one of Israel’s main problems.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The peace process

George Mitchell is mad at Bibi

Isn’t that upsetting that George Mitchell is refusing to meet the Israeli prime minister. Most Israelis are laughing and not upset at all. That’s what the Israeli press has reported. The reason for the cancellation of the meeting is Netanyahu’s refusal to agree to a complete freeze on settlement activity. Mitchell and the Obama administration are living in a bit of a dream world. There are additions to houses going on all over Judea and Samaria in almost every town. Bibi has gone against all of his campaign promises and agreed to a Palestinian State. He has even agreed to completely cease new building or new settlements. What exactly do they want?

Mr Mitchell is acting like a schoolboy that is mad when everyone doesn’t do exactly what they want. Israel sadly seems to be doing almost everything the United States says and that still is not good enough. What Mitchell maybe does not understand is that Israel is a democracy and has some independence to do things its own way.

The entire process is a lesson in futility as very few Arabs will accept Israel’s conditions for their state and it’s hard to imagine any solution to the status of Jerusalem and refugees.

George would be better off fishing.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The drum roll of war in the Korean Pennisula

War in Korea, again?

Someone once said that if you want peace prepare for war and if you want war talk a lot about peace. President Barack Obama has tried to appease and start dialogue with the perceived enemies of the United States. He doesn’t seem to doing that well. The Korean peninsula is a heart beat away from major configuration all this under the new watch of Obama. Its hard to say how George Bush would have handled this crisis but John Macain has said that the President is not handling the situation correctly. That might be an understatement. Many guessed that Obama would be tested very early in his presidency and they were right. The dictatorship in North Korea understands Obamas inexperience and hesitancy to act forceful. They are taking advantage of all this and are severely testing the resolve of the US and the west. A cargo ship that reportedly is delivering illegal arms has left North Korea and the United States is afraid to board the ship. Simply scared. The North has threatened to start a war and many believe that those threats are not empty. In essence the war between the North and South never stopped. But effectively there has been a tense truce. There is a real danger now because of Obamas bumbling of real war happening again. The nuclear threat now has made things all that more complicated. What needs to be done now Obama apparently does not know. Time will tell if this war is inevitable. South Korea has two major war drills a year. War may be around the corner. Iran hopes so at least.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Israel, Under pressure again

The State of Israel- under pressure

Barack Obama is trying to link territorial compromise to action against Iran. That’s what Obama is more than hinting to Benjamin Netanyahu and the State of Israel. This bizarre linkage says in simple terms that the United States will not act by force if necessary if Israel does not do what the United States wants. This linkage has clear logical flaws as no one can really see any real progress on a peace solution between Israel and those that seek Palestinian statehood. It’s not something that can happen in the next few years or decades. The problem will not dissolve if Israel decides to pull down some settlements that might make the problem worse. ( remember the Gaza Pullback ).

On the other hand Iranian nuclear capabilities are increasing slowly but surely and it will shortly become a nuclear threat that Israel cannot live with. It is a immediate threat whereas the conflict of Israel and the so called Palestinians is old and as said a solution is far away. The linking of the two is foolish and dangerous.

It is quite clear that Israel is preparing its worst case scenario possibility, striking Iran’s nuclear facilities. It is the last thing it wants to do but will be forced to act alone if Washington does not force Iran to give up on its nuclear capabilities.

Obama looks like the wrong man at the wrong time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Embattled Israeli Prime Minister to cave in

to American demands, but that won't help either

Someone once said that the most difficult job in the world is to be the Prime minister of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is feeling this difficulty right now as almost unprecedented pressure is being put on Israel to do things against its best interests. Barack Obama is determined to solve this most difficult of conflicts no matter what the obstacles are. He is pressuring Israel to do what it simply cannot do. It cannot choke its own population by denying housing to ever expanding populations in Judea and Samaria and accepting a Palestinian state on its border.

Let’s examine what would happen if Israel acquiesced to these demands. The first demand would be impossible to implement as housing permits have been granted and money paid for hew housing. The housing shortage is acute in Judea and Samaria and completely stopping construction is a pointless impossibility. That’s not even mentioning that the livelihood of thousands of local Arabs depends on this so called “ illegal construction “. This demand reaches absurd levels as massive construction continues in a Jerusalem suburb called “ Har Choma “ . This neighborhood is legally a part of Jerusalem on the “ good side “of the green line. It is not under military rule and is as much a part of Israel as Tel-Aviv. Nonetheless the building there is considered settlement expansion. The two sides do not even agree what constitutes settlement expansion. Even if Israel agreed to completely halt settlement expansion work would continue at “ Har Choma “ That would be seen by the other side as a violation of the agreement.

As far as a Palestinian State is concerned the wording is probably less important than the essence. Netanyahu will only agree to high authority autonomy in Judea and Samaria. He cannot and will not agree to anything more. That would mean no real army or free air space for this autonomous entity. The Arab side will never agree to these conditions or that Israeli settlements remain inside its autonomous areas. Dismantling of these settlements is logistically impossible and will not happen.

Those two issues I mentioned are considered the easier issues on the table and clearly are unsolvable. The more difficult issues of Jerusalem and refugees are just completely stymied that all involved refuse to talk about them.

Obama should use his time doing other things.

He will not solve the problem. He may be adding to it

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hail to the chump

Obama doesn’t seem to get it

President Barak Obamas keynote speech in Cairo last week has been dissected from all sides by very many people. Some things most agree on. That his rhetorical abilities are considerable and that he is a bit naive.

There seemed to be a clear slight by the Egyptian President who did not bother meeting Obama at the airport and did not sit in on his speech. Hosni Mubarek clearly feels that he is dealing with a amateur as leader of the free world and the snubs seem to reflect that. He is being severely tested by the North Koreans as his economic recovery plan seems to be teetering. He firmly believes that peace is possible everywhere even in the troubled middle east. He really believes that if Israel stops settlement activity or even removes settlements a Israeli state and a Palestinian State can live side by side. He really believes the new government of Benjamin Netanyahu will implement policy that is in direct contradiction to its party platform.

This is all a lot of hogwash of course as the chances for true peace are many years away. The Palestinian state that Obama wants so much is the worst thing that can happen to Jews and Arabs alike. It will bring misery and poverty to the Arabs and a security disaster to Israel.

The Israeli Prime Minister is to be giving a major Foreign policy speech next week to make clear Israel’s foreign Policy.

Hey at least the speech writers are making a living.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama says no and Bebe says yes, What now?

President Barak Obama has reiterated his opposition to any settlement expansion even natural growth. Prime Minister Netanyahu has also reiterated that natural growth will be permitted.

Now what?

The United States can now threaten Israel with economic sanctions and even an arms embargo. The Washington post was reported as saying that Israel would not receive loan guarantees it needs to procure foreign investment. Nothing yet has been said about the 10 billion Dollars that Israel receives every year. It is clear that Obama means business when he is trying to make the Israeli Prime minister Do things that will surely bring down his government. Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of Israelis are against a two state solution and return to pre 67 borders. Their may be a silver lining in Obamas threats and that would be the cutting of the financial umbilical cord between the US and Israel. Netanyahu in his first tenure mentioned as much that Israel would like to stop receiving aid from the US. The time has come for the Jewish state to stand on its own two feet. A little financial isolationist from the US would go a long way in helping the crippled American economy.

All that being said it is unlikely that all aid will abruptly be stopped. Many American firms depend on Israel using its aid money to but products in the US. The ultimate weapons embargo is something that Obama will probably not use. If the relationship between Israel and the US gets that bad then it will truly be an entire different ballgame.

Other Presidents have tried to bully Israeli Prime ministers into doing and saying different things. Some with some marginal success. It is hard to see President Obama forcing the Israeli Prime minister into concessions that will lead to any progress in peace negotiations. From Israel’s perspective any so called progress will endanger Israel existence. That Netanyahu will not agree to.

Obama is wasting his time and energy.