Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Trump and the war with Iran

No one seems to know if and when The United States will attack Iran.
The Iranaians started to openly defy inspectors with regard to a specific site that they refuse to open to inspectors.
Trump does not want to go to war before the next American election and Iran should feel nervous if Trump wins again which seems likely.
What will it look like?
If Iran does not come back to the negotiating table and does start upgrading its nuclear capability then all hell may break loose.
That would mean a barrage of Tomahawk missles on key sites around Iran.
Iran would likely try to respond by hitting Israel with missle strikes and Israel would retaliate.
Saudia Arabia would be very happy with a scenario like that.
But will it happen?
Seems likely that at some point either Iran will come back to negotiate or their will be another revolution that will topple the government.
irans economy is in shambles and it is hard to see them continuing to survive under such conditions.
Iran as others are hoping Trump loses re election.
Hard to say what will happen.
One thing is for sure.
the US and Israel wil not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.
It wont be pretty.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

War with Iran

It has to happen sooner or later.
The United States is planning to destroy the nuclear capabilities of the Islamic Republic.
There is clearly a plan that has all the targets set up to destroy in a few minutes.
All President Trump has to do is say yes and the party starts.
It is hard to see any other way out of this crisis if Iran continues to enrich Uranium as it has promised to do.
Will Iran gamble that the US will not attack?
What will happen after that?
Will Israel be attaceked?
Will the Hizbullah Irans proxie attack Israel after that?
So much uncertainty regarding what might happen.
How does the US attack without causing major damage and even more massive death toll?
Hard to say what is to happen now.
President Trump does not want a war during his campiagn to get reelected.
Who knows? Hold on to your hats ladies and gentleman.

Thursday, March 28, 2019


It will happen sooner or later.
The Hamas and Jihad in the Gaa strip are egging on Israel and war is imminent.
It almost happened a few days ago, it might happen tommrrow.
Hard to say exactly when but it will happen.
It may not involve a complete land invasion though it is hard to see avoiding ground troops alltogether.
There will be special forces sent to kill the leadership of the Hamas and Jihad.
What exactly happens next is hard to say.
Israel has been planning this move for a while and wants to avoid causulties as much as possible.
It is also unclear what is to be done with the civilian population of the strip and the basic needs they lack.
It is likely to happen in next few wees or months.
If any missle that is fired into Israel ills any civilians then all bets are truly off.
Everybody is waiting for something.
That something is War.
Whether the Nothen border heats up as well is another question.
We will all now soon enough.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

The deal of the Century

President Trump has been discussing this for a while.
The deal which will finally bring peace and prosperity to the middle east.
He has the best intentions but will learn the hard way that this "deal" is not doable.
It will be outright rejected by the Palestinians for not meeting what they call the minimum needs for a peace agreement.
These were are and will be the armistice lines of before the outbreak of the six-day war in 1967.
That would mean Jerusalem would be divided again.
This demand is a non-starter for almost every Jewish Israeli and seemingly cannot happen.
How the deal of the century circumvents this problem is anyones guess.
The Palestinians have made it abundantly clear that they will never compromise on this issue.
The likely scenario of the introduction of this peace plan will be much different than President Trump hopes.
Let me explain.
The Israeli Prime Minister will likely be indicted on bribery charges after upcoming elections.
This long process which is dependent on a pre indictment hearing will force Bibi to make a coalition with the hard right wingers in his new governmnet.
This will likely result in demands from colalition partners for annexation of a large part of Judea and Samaria called the C-section.
Bibi would prefer to not do this but will not be able to bring in to his goverment parties who have vowed never to join his goverment because of his legal status.
These center left parties would have agreed to some compromise and would be against anexation of any areas.
This anexation process and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza strip will lead to a new war between Israel and Arabs living in Gaza and even in Judea and Samaria.
Ironically those who wish to rid Israel of Bibi and his right wing policies will recieve and even more extreme Bibi because of coalition needs.
War is just a matter of time.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Just a matter of time

It is just a matter of time until the next war breaks out between Israel and Hamas or Hizbullah or both.
The economy in the Gaza strip is a shambles and it has become mostly pointless trying to make sure money is sent in to avoid a complete collapse.
There will be a war in any case and the fifteen million dollars that Israel is refusing to let in will not change anything.
The Hamas will not and cannot stop its actions that hurt Israels security interests.
The only question lies whether Hizbullah will join a war this time.
It did not do so last time but it might this time around.
Both these terror organizations want to annihilate Israel but are frankly scared to be destroyed.
The winter is not a prime time for wars to break out.
Spring is.
Expect a two front war in the spring that will likely lead to the destruction of the Hamas.
Hard to say what will happen to the Hizbullah as its complete destruction is unlikely.
We are just a few months away.
Get ready!!!