Monday, March 31, 2014

The curse of those that participated in Jewish ethnic cleansing

Some will call it coincidence. The fact that almost every major figure involved in the forcible removal of Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria has had a calamity .
Ariel Sharon- the prime minister at the time, massive stroke and eventual death.
Moshe Kazav - The president of Israel at the time, extended jail term for sexual offenses.
Head of Israeli Army- who resigned in embarrassment not long after Israel forced Jews from there homes and a long list of others... And now the prime minister who replaced Sharon and was one of the main proponents of that ethnic cleansing.
Ehud Olmert the former prime minister was convicted of taking bribes and will probably be in jail for at least five years.
There were those who warned that horror and calamity would follow.
They were laughed at and scoffed at.
Those who were happy at the plight of thousands of Jews forced from their homes.
Olmert will have a long time in jail to think about what he has done.
It is unlikely he will see the connection.
To bad.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Peace Process, Piece by Piece

It is hard to believe that anyone still thinks there is any hope of real progress in the middle east talks brokered by the United States.
On all major issues there has not been even the slightest of movement.
Nothing, Nada, Gorniest, kloom.
What has John Kerry been talking about with Abu Mazen in the thirteen different face to face meetings?
It boggles the mind the amount of time and money wasted on fruitless superfluous meeting.
Does not the American taxpayer deserve some explanation as to the huge expenditures on endless trips to nowhere?
The key issues and fundamental disagreements have stayed the same.
Israel demands a recognition as the Jewish state of the Jewish people and the other side says clearly that will not happen.
The other side demands Israeli withdrawal from all lands captured in the six-day war.
That includes East Jerusalem, the wailing wall and temple mount.
No Israeli government is willing or able to accept such conditions.
As I said in previous blogposts it is all a colossal waste of time and money.
Enough is enough, or should be.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Peace Process

Abu Mazen has left Washington and nobody really noticed.
The Obama sponsored and Kerry driven talks are just where they were 9 months ago.
It seems incredible that so much time, energy and money can be spent on completely wasteful talks.
Is it right for the American taxpayer yo foot the bill for so many trips to the Middle East for fruitless meetings?
There will be no two state solution.
It never really had a chance to begin with.
The real question is what is to happen now?
It is likely that a new Arab INTIFADA will envelope the region as the Arab side attempts to gain statehood through international channels.
There will have to be a bold Israeli leader who is willing to make bold moves in the wake of the break down of negotiations.
This leader will need to annex to Israel parts of Judea and Samaria while slowly offering different levels of citizenship to Arabs living there.
There will need to be massive Aliya of Jews from around the world to Judea and Samaria to keep demographics in check.
How many times has Kerry been here in the last 8 months?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The sound of silence

We hear nothing after the sumit meeting between the Prime Minister of Israel and the President of the United States.
No press conference, no statement, nothing.
We can guess what went on after the press was asked to leave the oval office.
President Obama " this is Israels last chance, you must agree to a Palestinian state on pre 1967 borders including Jerusalem.
The Prime minister says " give me Pollard and recognition of a Jewsih state and I will convince Israelis of all that is needed.
The President says you will get Pollard when Israel signs a piece treaty.
Prime minister " what concessions is Abu Mazen making "??.
John Kerry " he has agreed to non-violence " The prime minister rolls his eyes and the meetimg ends.
All to familiar ending to meetings of this kind.
Now Abu MAzen will sit in the hot seat.
Its all such a waste of time.
The worst is yet to come.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Peace negotiations

The merry go round continues to around.
Prime Minister Netanyahu is about to land in the United States.
He presumably will be presented with a agreement of sorts from John Kerry about a framework agreement.
He will be pressured by Barack Obama to accept a agreement.
It is very hard to understand what type of framework agreement can be presented.
The chief Palastnian negotiater Saab Baarekat has just recently said for the hundreth time that there will be no recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people. He reiterated this saying it was " unthinkable ".
Meanwhile there seems to be complete confusion in Washington as to what to now.
There is a clear understanding that the talks will fail as all others have failed before.
As an incredible stroke of bad luck on Obamas and Kerry's part a looming crisis in Ukraine may put the Israeli Palestinian issue on the back burner.
The truth of the matter is that the two state solution is dead and that it was never a real option.
That cold reality is staring to sink in to everybody.
The question is what happens next?
Three possible scenarios
1. The Palestinian athourity resigns and tells israel to " take over " Judea and Samaria.
2. Both Israel and the Palestinains take unilteral steps. The Palestinain steps would be a one sided declartion of independence in all of pre 1967 borders. The Israeli steps would include anexing parts of Judea and Samaria.
3. A third Intifada or uprising of the Palestinians
There may be some variations of some of these scenarios together.
There is Zero chance of any agreement and a slight chance of agreeing to continue to talk for another period of time.
It will be a big mess