Sunday, October 30, 2016

It's happening, its incredible!

There is a momentum swing and it spells trouble or even doom for Hillary Clinton.
If Donald Trump wins the election it will be the most shocking event in American Politics since the assassination of JFK.
Nothing less my friends.
The impact of an extreme right wing president in the white house will have immediate repercussions.
These will include an immediate 15-20% correction in the stock market.
An almost immediate interest hike by the fed of at least 1%.
Rioting in different parts of the US.
This will all happen before Mr. Trump takes the oath of office.
Afterwards things will get interesting indeed.
He will try to build a wall along the Mexican border and order the proper authorities to deport illegal aliens ASAP.
He will mostly try to deal with trade agreements to improve them as much as possible.
It might help if he has some wise advisers help him in his first few months.
It is likely that he will calm down his rhetoric in many areas.
He will be the first president that actually moves American embassy to Jerusalem.
How he will cancel Iranian deal no one really knows including himself.
It's going to be a lot of fun.
Stay Tuned!