Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Trump and the war with Iran

No one seems to know if and when The United States will attack Iran.
The Iranaians started to openly defy inspectors with regard to a specific site that they refuse to open to inspectors.
Trump does not want to go to war before the next American election and Iran should feel nervous if Trump wins again which seems likely.
What will it look like?
If Iran does not come back to the negotiating table and does start upgrading its nuclear capability then all hell may break loose.
That would mean a barrage of Tomahawk missles on key sites around Iran.
Iran would likely try to respond by hitting Israel with missle strikes and Israel would retaliate.
Saudia Arabia would be very happy with a scenario like that.
But will it happen?
Seems likely that at some point either Iran will come back to negotiate or their will be another revolution that will topple the government.
irans economy is in shambles and it is hard to see them continuing to survive under such conditions.
Iran as others are hoping Trump loses re election.
Hard to say what will happen.
One thing is for sure.
the US and Israel wil not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.
It wont be pretty.