Monday, May 31, 2010

The next Arab Israeli war has started

Wow , worst than what we thought.

The next Arab Israeli war has started. This is what happening in front of our eyes the new war is starting. Israel wanted to stay away from Gaza by simply leaving the strip unilaterally. This irresponsible act has brought Israel 2 small wars so far and now is bringing about the big one.
The snowball has started to roll. Radd Salach a Israeli Arab leader was injured in the military operation and that would lead to a massive uprising of Israeli Arabs. As this is happening the Hamas in the Gaza Strip will start firing Rockets into Israel as the casualties become clearer and clearer. While Israel will not want to react it will be forced into action as before in the last war in Gaza. Hassan Nasrallah of the Hizbullah may be forced to enter this foray earlier than he wanted and will join the party with Rocket attacks into Israel. Israel will call up its reserves and plan for the retakeover of the Gaza strip. Israel reacts to the Rocket attacks in the north and attacks Lebanon by sending the Israeli army swarming into the Hizbulah strongholds in Lebanon. The leader of Iran Achminejad threatens Israel with massive rocket attacks if Israel if its forces do not leave Lebanese soil. Israel counter threats Iran that if Iranian rockets hit Israel massive bombs will be dropped in or around Tehran. All these threats manifest themselves as most of the Arab world goes to war again with Israel in the war called “ Gaza sea war “.
While Israel is attacking Iran Israel is using the opportunity to attack its nuclear facilities as Iran. The Iranian air force suffers heavy losses as its bases are hit with Israeli cruise missiles. There are massive demonstrations in Egypt and other Arab capitals who demand that their armies join this war with Israel. The Israeli civil defense is moving population centers away from the Tel-aviv area and moving them to less populated centers in Samaria.
Nobody knows how long this will last. One thing is clear Israel will win this war as it has all others.

Peace is not at hand and will not be for a long time if ever.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Armada of anti-semites.

They will arrive at some point waving their flags and beating their drums. They have come to save the people of the Gaza Strip. Really?
Someone once said that the more you say a lie the more people start to believe it. The lie that blames Israel for all the trouble and poverty in Gaza. To be perfectly honest former Israeli governments are responsible for the situation of the strip now and the public relations nightmare Israel is suffering. The exit from Gaza with the expulsion of its Jewish residents was meant to disconnect Israel from Gaza completely, or so they said. Not only is Israel not disconnected but now the Gazan problem and its connection to Israel is what the world is talking about. Even at the worst times from a PR standpoint Israel was never vilified the way it is now. The extreme elements were kept at bay while Israel was in the strip and much needed labor was provided to many Arab residents of Gaza. This is not to say that Israel is responsible for the poverty and misery of many Gazan residents, it is not. The entire situation could have been avoided had the exit from Gaza not occurred or if it had occurred differently.

But who remembers Israel’s exit from Gaza now? It is such old news . There were many who warned that a public relations nightmare would occur. That the Hamas would take over the strip Israel would be forced to retake or wage war against the Hamas. When that happened the PR nightmare would begin. So who is responsible for all this ?
He is in a coma and can’t see with his own eyes how much harm he caused so many. Jew and Arab alike. His name is Ariel Sharon a former war hero turned statesman who decided he had a solution when no real solution was at hand he would create separation between Israel and Gaza. It did not work, it was a disaster. Israel and the world are still suffering from that fiasco.

It’s only going to get worse before it gets better.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nuclear Nightmare

Korea on the brink of war

Douglas MacArthur was relieved of his command because among other things he wanted to end North Korean rule by nuclear weapons. He may have been right. The Koreas are on the brink of war once again and this time North Korea has a few nuclear warheads at its disposal. This is a new type of war between nuclear powers that nobody wants. That is an understatement. These nuclear weapons if used could make Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like a bad military bombing. If a bomb or two are dropped on Seoul millions could die. It does not seem possible that the DPRK will ever give up or retreat. The ultimate weapon they have looms as the scariest part of the present tension making normal battle tactics somewhat insignificant. This all means that even if allied forces managed to advance into North Korea and win tactical battles on the field this may bring closer the use of nuclear weapons. Very Scary indeed.

For those who need any more convincing please imagine the following scenario.
Israel attacks Lebanon after being attacked by hundreds of Rockets from Lebanon and Syria. The Hamas and Jihad Islami also join the fight and rain down rockets on southern Israel. The Israel defense forces go deep into Lebanon and decimate the Hizbullah army and actively engage the Syrian army. The Syrian army suffers heavy losses as the IDF in the south retakes the Gaza strip from the Hamas. Iran announces that if Israel does not retreat from all occupied Arab lands in 48 hours it will send 15 surface to air missiles with nuclear warheads. Israel says that any launched nuclear weapon by Iran will trigger the complete annihilation of the Iranian republic with millions of lives lost.
The president of Iran whose whereabouts are not known proclaims the end of the Zionist entity is at hand and that the Arab nation must sacrifice to rid itself of the Zionist scourge. Iran launches its weapons of mass destruction on Israel. All weapons are destroyed in flight except for one that reaches the Galilee killing 35,000 civilians many of them Arabs and creating nuclear fallout all over Northern Israel.
Israel counter attacks dropping 20 tactical nuclear weapons on 20 military bases in Iran and obliterating them completely. Israel discovers the bunker where the Iranian President is holed up and drops yet another nuclear weapon vaporizing anything in the 10 kilometer vicinity.
The United Nations security council meet in emergency session as a nuclear tragedy occurs like none before.

Seems so crazy?

It is not so crazy at all. North Korea will drop the bomb on the south or US forces if it has no choice unless someone can assassinate Kim Jong-il. That seems unlikely unfortunately . Iran will not hesitate to do the same in the right scenario.
Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of despotic extreme elements are the new challenges of our time. It does not take much imagination to consider what would have happened had Hitler usage of an atomic weapon. To give modern Hitler’s this option is madness.

Plain madness.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What a waste of time!

Proximity Talks

So many have waited so long for so little. The proximity talks between the Israelis and Palestinians have started in earnest, well sort of. In the meantime the Arab side has initiated economic sanctions on all goods produced in Judea and Samaria as well as started the process of trying to kick Israel out of the UN. Israel has agreed to lift many blockades and give access to roads where previous terror attacks occurred. It wants to better the life of the average Palestinian in the hopes that this will bring about reconciliation. The Palestinians seem to want no part of this. In the words of the prime Minister they would like to perpetuate the conflict forever. The Israelis are demanding direct talks for anything of real substance to be discussed. There does not seem to be any reaction from the Palestinian side.

The talks are going nowhere fast. No real surprises here.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Security issues don’t seem to bother some things in Israel especially women’s Yeshivot or Seminaries that focus on teaching ancient Jewish texts to women. Teaching Jewish women Jewish subjects is generally a new idea that is roughly 120 years old. Some Jewish groups today still stand in opposition to this idea but mainstream Orthodox circles warmly support this relatively new trend. There is still within this group a continuous discussion with regard to Talmud study as the more traditional group staunchly opposes this study by women whereas others see it as an advantage. In any case one of the more established yeshivot of this kind is Yeshivat DARCHEI BINAH. It is one of the oldest established Yeshivot around and very popular with young women seeking a place to study in Israel.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chomsky, Finkelstien and all the rest

Professor Noam Chomsky was just recently denied entry to Israel on his way to speak to Bir-Ziet University. He was told at the Allenby crossing on the Jordanian Israeli border of the decision of the interior ministry that he cannot enter Israel. Professor Norman Finklestein another great lover of Zion who himself was not allowed entry into Israel was appalled by Israel’s decision. You have to wonder why.
Why would a sovereign government allow individuals who consistently deny Israel s right to exist. Who meet and openly support those who would destroy the country. Is democracy allowing someone who espouses destruction for that particular democracy the right to preach? These good professors should be surprised if entry was allowed not denied.
The crazy part of all this is that the countries and organizations that these individuals support do not have any problems of this kind. They are totalitarian in nature and few people want to visit lecture or do anything else there. These professors chose to live in an democratic environment where they can say whatever they want. This is while they support regimes that give no such privilege.
The United States would never allow an active advocate of its destruction to enter its territory nor would any other normal country. These professors should at least understand that. So you would think.
Go figure.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Greek Tragedy

Greece the stock market and everything in between.

The Greeks don’t like it and the markets don’t like it. Who is to blame?
The world economy is in serious upheaval once again as Greece teeters on the verge of bankruptcy. The crazy part about all this is that a package has been offered by Germany to Greece and it will solve the immediate needs of the country. The aid comes conditionally that Greece cut spending and become fiscally responsible. This all means that there will be fewer handouts to pension plans and retirement funds and all other government services. The Greeks do not want to work past 50 ( retirement in some circles) they do not want to sacrifice promised stipends for the good of the world economy. They could care less about the world economy.
Who is to blame for the great mess?

The Greeks themselves of course and the political system of the country.
The Greeks in the last 25 years have elected officials that tell them what they want to hear. That is generous benefits to all, even without revenue that is coming in. Missing money is borrowed at continuing greater cost and then pay up time arrives and there is no money to pay back debts. As the banking systems in Europe are intertwined Greeks own loans will default effecting everyone even the Stock markets on the other side of the world. The investors in these markets fear that the Greek people will not agree to austerity. If they cripple the economy then the little the government makes from Taxes will be negated making paying back anything impossible. If Greece should default then countries like Portugal and Spain will not be far behind.

Somebody fearless in these countries needs to get up and say that every country should live within its means as should every individual. Government spending needs to be curbed to the bare minimum, handouts are wrong. The entire free world should look at this Greek tragedy as it is likely to come any country acting like Greece. This may happen in the United States if the continued incredible spending of the Obama administration continues.

Hold on to your precious metals that’s what you may have left in the end.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hirsch is gone.

The colorful almost clown like head of the Extreme wing of anti-Israel Orthodox Jews has died. Moshe Hirsch also known to some as Rabbi Moshe Hirsch passed away. This organization called Neturie Karta believed that any manifestation of Jewish nationalism before the coming of the Messiah was wrong and contradictory to Judaism. Where this man and his followers received this info and direction is not completely clear. The very outspoken leader of The Satmar movement Rabbi Yoel Titlebaum though virulently against the state of Israel was also against the Neturie Karta because of their political connections to Arab terror groups.
Hirsch was unswayed by other rabbis in every section of Jewish tradition who said that his actions were completely off the mark. Many viewed him as a sad comical figure who was being used for propaganda by Israel enemies as a show piece.
He will be remembered as a small piece of the complicated process of the ingathering of the exiles.
There were those that were happy at his demise though they should have been instead sad at a life dedicated to acts of perfidity against his own people.