Sunday, May 3, 2009

Israel’s new ambassador

Michael Oren has been appointed as the new ambassador of Israel to the United States. It is a bizarre appointment by the new/old Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that many are raising eyebrows about. No one seems to really know what Mr Oren really thinks about some issues and how he can properly represent Israel in Washington. Mr. Netanyahu is thought to be against any two state solution while Mr Oren was quoted not to long ago as supporting that idea. He also has publicly said that he thinks the dismantling of settlements was a necessity that Israel will need to do at some point in the future. It’s important to remember that Mr. Netanyahu resigned the last government he was in because of a unilateral withdrawal of the Israeli government from the Gaza strip. Mr Oren has also publicly said that he thought the withdrawal was necessary and correct even as many who supported it have since backtracked. It is all to bizarre that someone with clear opinions that seem to go counter to the Prime Ministers could become the leading diplomat outside of Israel. Some in Israel have said that Mr. Netanyahu is planning on going against campaign promises on territorial compromise and will use Mr. Orens position to advance those positions. This theory has its holes as any compromise on territory will likely teeter the Netanyahu government. The probable reason for Orens appointment is the attempt to slowly erode the hard line policy that got Mr. Netanyahu elected in the first place. The deputy foreign minister has also said some statements that seem to go contrary to his own party’s platform. It is evidently clear that Mr. Netanyahu will not be able to withstand pressure from the American President Obama. Something will give. Mr. Netanyahu will use Oren to advance the compromises he promised he would not make,

It’s a bad move and a bad decision.

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