Sunday, March 3, 2013

10k in Jerusalem

Its scary to hear stories of people your age who have undergone heart procedures like angio plasties or bypasses or even worse. If these people had thought ahead and lived a healthier lifestyle they could have avoided those life threatening medical interventional episodes. Excersise is the single most important thing that one can do to avoid medical compalictions. Now to the 10k run. There were 8,000 people who decided to sign up to run 10k in Jerusalem 2 days ago. It was not a easy course but then undergoing a triple bypass or worse is much more difficult. After training for many months my partner and I started intensive training about 6 weeks before the race to raise stamina and endurance. After that we thought we were ready. The morning of the race I was jumpy and nervous. I was worried about the difficulty I often have in these races and finishing in a respective time. The enormous crowds did not help the cause as we needed to wait around before they let us go. The first three Kilometers may have been the most difficult as your body warms up but even after that the steep hills never let you get into a rythym that you need and want. The last hill before the finish was very difficult and made it difficult to end with a burst of speed. Final time 1:06:31 Try to do better next year. Keep moving and keep healthy.

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