Sunday, July 28, 2013

Peace talks that are going nowwhere

What’s the point? Talks are to start on Tuesday, Hurray!
What are the Vegas odds that these talks after so many others will go anywhere.
I would give it 1000 to 1.
That these talks will lead to a final status agreement and the end of the conflict?
1,000,000 to 1
This is all about a United States promise of attacking Iran in the next year if Bibi plays ball now.
That will explain why he will agree to let out convicted terrorists
A current poll says that more than 80% of Israelis are against letting go of convicted terrorists
Its clear that there must be a unwritten promise of a immenent attack by the US on Iran
It will happen in the next six months
As far as the talks are concerned
Noone really thinks they will go anywhere.
There cannot be a two state solution anymore.
To many Jews live in Judea and Samaria.
Sometimes stupid ideas die hard

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