Wednesday, November 26, 2014

It's been fiveyears

Hard to believe that I lost my father five years ago.
The pain is still there and the longing.
My father was a man who beat the odds, who survived where others did not.
His grit and tenacity to overcome was extrordinary
He was determined to take care of his family and provide what it needed.
He did not own many things as to many would have cluttered up his life.
he believed in Jewish destiny and the return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel was a gift from Hashem.
He loved Israeli soldiers and especially Yeshivah students who served in the army.
He loathed those that would hurt Jews and humiliate them.
He was above else a proud Jew with great love for the land and those who risked their lives to defend Jews.
I will forever be inspired for the gifts he gave me.
Its been five years.

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