Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Russia the Ruble and all the rest

Currency crisis in Russia will have effect on the world, all will be effected.
It is difficult to see how Russia will extricate itself from this current crisis as the core issues fueling this crisis are not changing soon.
How will this effect Wall street?
In the short term their will be jitters as all major events of the world cause jitters on American markets.
Long term this might even prop up markets in the US.
Here is how.
Unstable assets will be liquefied and sent to a safer investment atmosphere.
Wall street which already has been seeing a influx of money around world will see European and Russian money.
Just think about it.
The Ruble is collapsing because people are buying dollars.
Where are those dollars supposed to go?
There is only one place for them to go and that is Wall street.
So capitalism and macro economics dictates the money of the world.
Great time to get into market now.
Money is to be made.
Have fun.

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