Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Can it get any worse?

Can the terrorist Caliphate of Isil get any more cruel in its prpoganda war against everything that is not them?
Many think that the burning alive of a Jordanian pilot is the apex of cruelty possible.
They are wrong.
If the free world just sits back and does little things will get much worse.
How can it get worse?
The coalition forces are clearly planning an offensive that will attack the Caliphate very soon.
If this is done with massive force and pinpoint planning there is a chance to limit and destroy this group.
If this is done incorrectly and somehow prisoners are taken then it could get worse.
Much worse.
They will parade any POWs and publicly torture them in ways we do not imagine.
They will humiliate torture and then burn them to death.
These people are the worst of the worst of the ultimate evil in our time.
Right now the extreme violence is being perpetrated against Moslems who are fighting Isis.
For the last 30-40 years Arab nationalism has been allowed to foment in many Arab countries.
This backwardness based on hatred of JEws and Israel and free money from oil revenue created a atmosphere of neglect and extremism.
That in turn fueled the violent groups of the Moslem brotherhood, PLO,Hamas,Osama bin Laden and now Isil.
Clearly if and when they are done with the Arabs they will come after the Jews and Israel
They will soon execute the other hostages inn new original ways.
The world better wake up soon before its to late.
We are at war with very crazy people, very crazy.

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