Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Peace Process

Abu Mazen has left Washington and nobody really noticed.
The Obama sponsored and Kerry driven talks are just where they were 9 months ago.
It seems incredible that so much time, energy and money can be spent on completely wasteful talks.
Is it right for the American taxpayer yo foot the bill for so many trips to the Middle East for fruitless meetings?
There will be no two state solution.
It never really had a chance to begin with.
The real question is what is to happen now?
It is likely that a new Arab INTIFADA will envelope the region as the Arab side attempts to gain statehood through international channels.
There will have to be a bold Israeli leader who is willing to make bold moves in the wake of the break down of negotiations.
This leader will need to annex to Israel parts of Judea and Samaria while slowly offering different levels of citizenship to Arabs living there.
There will need to be massive Aliya of Jews from around the world to Judea and Samaria to keep demographics in check.
How many times has Kerry been here in the last 8 months?

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