Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jews dying in Europe

For those descendants of holocaust survivors the spectacle of Jews being targeted once again on European soil is to much to bear.
The Jews who were singled out in a kosher meat market in Paris for murder join a long line of Jews being killed for just being Jewish.
The French do not seem to have the ability to protect its own citizens and certainly the huge Jewish community in France.
The Jews of France are in a very difficult situation more acute than all others in western Europe.
Whatever they do or do not do they are targets by default.
They do not need to be doing anything active to inflame radicals.
Being Jewish is enough.
The Jihadists have scored a major victory in France. make no mistake. They have many people worried about the future of civilized Europe.
If they somehow manage to do anything today at a rally in Paris then real complete fear may set it in.
It is unclear how the French Police can hermetically seal off and make sure weapons or bombs are not used today against some participants.
The prime minister of Israel is to be there today and it remains unclear how he will participate.
It has also been reported that the head of the Palestinian authority will attend as well.
His attendance is a bit bizarre as he has tried to form a government with the Hamas movement who's members are probably very happy with the goings on in France.
His double talk that he seeks peace while trying to unite with Hamas will not be lost on anybody.
But he is there apparently.
Hey it gives him something to do as it must be very boring hanging out in Ramala talking about a Palestinian state that will never be.
He will hobnob with all in Paris and no one will actually get up and say that it is a absurdity at least and a desecration of those killed.
The satirists at charlie Hebdo do not need him there and the Jewish community does not want him there.
But he is there.
Corrupt leaders are taking advantage of a very difficult situation to portray themselves against terrorism.
Abu Mazen as he is called has the picture in his office one of the most famous terrorists of modern times.
Yassar Arafat.
Go Figure.
France has had a very lax immigration policy that has swelled the ranks of Moslems.
the brutal truth seems to be that this is just the beginning of what awaits all "infidels" on European soil.
The Jews at least have a place to go.
Where do the French go??
The terror and fear are just what the terrorists wish to achieve.
World Jihad is making strides to shut down western democracies.
The world better wake up and smell the coffee.
Its a Moslem brand.

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