Thursday, January 15, 2015

What happened to the Palestinian state?

As terrorists strike Europe everyone has seemingly forgotten the Palestinian issue.
No one truly cares in the real sense, the issue is the default issue when there is nothing to talk about.
The chance of a state the way they want it is the same chance of a Isis flag flying on top of the White House.
It is not happening any time soon as all really know.
Its a jihad pipe dream of sorts that keeps the groups going.
Only the crazies among really believe this can happen.
Its all just a cruel sick game.
There is no Palestinians state or people for that matter, its another cruel sick joke.
When things calm for a bit many will talk once again about the plight of the Palestinians.
Its conversation that has a twisted need to continue.
The free world will continue to suffer from wackos who want to establish Sharria law in the world,
The Arabs of Israel who call themselves Palestinians will continue to demand a state that they will never have and do not really want. Its all very crazy and very dangerous.
We bring up our children in a very dangerous world with very many crazy people.
For them Charlie Hebdo is just the beginning.
The worst is yet to come.

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