Sunday, April 10, 2016


Boycott Divest Sanctions.
It's the latest craze and its all the rage in some circles.
This veiled anti-Israel campaign is aimed at destroying Israel economically.
It will not work.
This boycott can do damage to people who work in Israeli factories which are often Arabs who find themselves unemployed.
The Israeli economy is too diverse to be seriously threatened by any boycott.
In fact in some circles the opposite is happening as Israeli products are being purchased to counter BDS actions.
Some numbers have been mentioned as to the extent of lost revenue but they are hard to verify as many products that are not sold in one place often find other markets.
The Israel economy is robust and BDS will not do it major harm.
Why then are so many fighting this movement?.
The answer lies in the true meaning of this movement and what it stands for.
It is the modern trendy age old anti-Jewish hatred rearing its ugly head.
it is no more than a new twist on the blood libel.
It is evil and must be eradicated.
It is not more complicated than that.
Did I say it would not work?

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